An Island Community

As the chill of winter settles in, Jewish Treats brings you warm thoughts of the Caribbean - of Barbados to be exact. The first known Jews to arrive on Barbados were refugees from the…

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Celebrate Jewish America

As Thanksgiving approaches, be appreciative of the freedoms of the American Jewish community.

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The First Advisor on Jewish Affairs

In 1942, after first serving as a rabbi in Buffalo, New York, and then in Chicago, Illinois, Rabbi Judah Nadich (Baltimore 1912 - New York 2007) enlisted in the United States Army as a…

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Community Ties

It is a commonly stated idea that, with the expansion of the world of social media, the idea of community has changed. Where once people turned to communal organizations for drawing them…

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A Lesson in Jewish History from Cotopaxi, Colorado

When Jacob Milstein met Michael Heilprin, it seemed divinely ordained. Heilprin was involved with the Hebrew Emigrant Aide Society (HEAS - later known as HIAS), and Milstein was the…

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The Jewish Major General

Jewish Treats; presents a mini-biography of Major General Julius Klein (1901-1984), who served his country in both World Wars. Born in Chicago, Klein was the descendant of Prussian and…

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The Jewish League of Woman Suffrage

In the early twentieth century, one of the critical political battles was the fight for women’s right to vote. Among the suffragist organizations of Great Britain, there arose a unique…

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The First American Jewish Poetess

In celebration of National Poetry Month: When asked to name early American Jewish poets, the first name that comes to most people’s mind is Emma Lazarus. It may therefore be surprising…

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For Jewish Youth

Do you know which international Jewish youth organization began in Omaha, Nebraska? In the 1920s, Jewish youth were often excluded from local clubs and organizations. When a group of…

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Community Ties

Recently, several news outlets have made human interest stories out of the growing trend of E-Worship--online religious communities. With video services and active chat rooms, these…

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