Navy Man

Jewish Treats presents a biography of Uriah P. Levy, the U.S.’s first Jewish commodore. Born in Philadelphia in 1792, Levy took to the seas early (some sources report that he was 10 and…

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Purim Again?

Unique to the Jewish calendar, the festival of Purim is actually observed on different days depending on a person’s location. The majority of the Jewish people celebrate Purim on the 14th…

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Who Was Mordechai?

There are some people in this world who always seem to be right in the thick of the action. As described in the Book of Esther, this was Mordechai. It is Mordechai’s cousin, Esther, who…

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Celebrate Purim!

As today is Purim, remember to hear the Megillah, give matanot la’evyonim, gifts to the poor, mishloach manot, a gift of food to a Jewish friend or neighbor and prepare or attend a seudat…

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The Sabbath of Remembering

This Shabbat is Shabbat Parashat Zachor, the Sabbath of Remembering. The Torah portion that is read as the Maftir (additional) portion, after the conclusion of the regular weekly Torah…

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Whether the English "Remember," the Hebrew "Zachor" or the Yiddish "G'denk," it is a sacred obligation of all Jews to remember our past in order to move forward meaningfully into any…

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The Four Mitzvot of Purim

This year, Purim will be celebrated beginning Saturday evening, March 23rd, and continue through the following day, Sunday, March 24th. Four mitzvot are associated with the holiday:…

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The History Around Purim

The story of Purim takes place at the very end of the era known in Jewish history as the Babylonian Exile. King Nebuchadnezzar and the Babylonian legions destroyed the Temple and…

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Study the History of Persian/Iranian Jews

Make the effort to study the history of the Jewish presence in Persia and the rich traditions of Persian Jews today (mostly in exile).

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Vayikra 5784-2024

“Parashat Zachor: 'Hating as a Mitzvah'" (updated and revised from Vayikra 5763-2003) by Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald Since the festival of Purim will be celebrated this coming Saturday…

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