National Freedom Day

Today, February 1st, is both National Freedom Day and the first day of Black History Month. National Freedom Day was initially advocated for by Major Richard Robert Wright Sr.…

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A Day That Will Live in Infamy

In one of the 20th century’s most memorable and impactful speeches, U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt called December 7, 1941, “A day that will live in infamy,” due to the deadly…

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Jews in the Land of Lincoln

The first known Jewish resident of what is now the state of Illinois was John Hays, a grandson of a New York Jew, who moved west to Cahokia, IL in 1793. Hays was a farmer and trader who,…

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Rabin Shot

It has been 27 years since Yitzchak Rabin was assassinated on November 4, 1995. Born in Jerusalem on March 1, 1922, Rabin grew up in Tel Aviv. He entered the military service in 1941 when…

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The Jews of Panama

The history of the Jews in Panama is similar to Jewish history in other South and Central American countries. Conversos (Jews who publicly recanted the Jewish faith and adopted…

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The Yom Kippur War

It would be impossible, in this brief format, to provide a full history of the events that led to the outbreak of the Yom Kippur War in the fall of 1973. However, in honor of the…

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The Flying Rabbi

On October 24, 2011, a memorial to 14 Jewish chaplains of the United States Armed Services was dedicated in Arlington National Cemetery. The 14 Jewish chaplains whose names were inscribed…

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Selfless Dedication

Recognize the selfless dedication of the chaplains who faithfully serve Jewish members of the U.S. military around the world.

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When Vladimir Yevgenyevich Zhabotinsky was born on October 18, 1880, in Odessa, it was virtually inconceivable that he would become a staunch advocate for the resettlement of the Jewish…

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Is It Good To Be The King?

Parashat Shoftim, this week’s Torah portion, addresses many issues, among them the Jewish jurisprudential system, false prophets, and the Arei Miklat, cities of refuge. The guidelines for…

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