Yom Kippur 5769-2008

"Difficult Transitions" by Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald On the last day of his life, Moses seals the new covenant with the People of Israel. According to the Midrash, the people then return…

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Shelach 5775-2015

“The Sin of the Spies--Revisited” By Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald In this week’s parasha, parashat Shelach, we read of the sin of the scouts whom Moses sent out, at G-d’s behest, to scout…

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Naso 5777-2017

"G-d's Gift of a Second Chance" by Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald This week’s parasha, parashat Naso, is the longest of all the parashiot of the Torah. It is appropriately read most often on…

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Vayishlach 5762-2001

"Yisrael: the People Who Wrestle with G-d" by Rabbi Ephraim Buchwald In this coming week's parasha, parashat Vayishlach, after twenty years with Laban, we find Jacob on his way to…

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Vayeilech/Yom Kippur 5783-2022

“Difficult Transitions” (Updated and revised from Vayeilech/Yom Kippur 5769-2008) by, Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald On the last day of his life, Moses seals the new covenant with the People…

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Chukat 5779-2019

“Can Death Be Sweet?” (Revised and updated from Chukat 5761-2001) by Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald In this week’s Torah portion, parashat Chukat, we learn of the death of Aaron at Mt. Hor.…

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Vayikra 5770-2010

"Do Leaders Corrupt, or are They Corrupted?" by Rabbi Ephraim Buchwald In this coming week's parasha, parashat Vayikra, we learn of the varied sacrifices and offerings that were brought…

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Chukat 5773-2013

"Striking the Stone: the Parameters of Anger" by Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald Among the many topics in this week’s parasha is the report of Miriam’s death and the subsequent lack of water.…

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Vayigash 5782-2021

“The Virtues of Assimilation” (updated and revised from Vayigash 5762-2001) by Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald In this week’s parasha, parashat Vayigash, the dramatic story of Joseph and his…

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Pinchas 5775-2015

“Learning by Example” by Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald In this week’s parasha, parashat Pinchas, G-d rewards Pinchas, the son of Elazar, the grandson of Aaron the High Priest, for turning…

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