Jewish Friendship Circle

Organize a small group of friends with whom to study an interesting Jewish topic once a week.

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A Friend In Need

Lend an ear to a friend in need, but be careful that any advice you give is without ulterior motives.

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A Friendly Face

When someone you know is going through a rough patch, be their friend and offer your support.

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Making New Friends

Go to synagogue and stick around after services to shmooze

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Rabbi Shmuel Salant

On the 29th of Av, 1909, Rabbi Shmuel Salant, Jerusalem’s Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi, for almost 70 years, passed away. Rabbi Shmuel was born in 1816 in Bialystok, then part of Czarist Russia.…

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Minsk, Pinsk and Dvinsk

Dvinsk, also known as Daugavpils or Duenaburg, is Latvia’s second largest city, situated 140 miles southeast of Riga, Latvia’s capital. Dvinsk became a Jewish center in the Baltics…

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Tap Into Real Wisdom

To learn from, and become wiser in the process, consider spending quality time with an elderly relative or friend.

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Educating American Girls

When Vichna Kaplan (1913–1986) arrived in America in 1937, her experiences confirmed the country’s reputation as a place where Jewish religious life was in danger. This was particularly…

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Pre-High Holiday Hebrew on Zoom

Pre-High Holiday Hebrew Classes on ZoomBuff up your Hebrew reading skills in time for the High Holidays with Zoom classes!…

Cover Your Ears

The Talmud, in tractate Yoma 9B states that the Second Temple was destroyed because of Sinat Chinam, baseless hatred. Today, on Tisha b’Av, Jewish Treats takes a closer look at the…

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