Devarim 5772-2012

"The Al-mighty’s Relationship with the Nations of the World" by Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald As we have previously noted on several occasions (Devarim 5765-2005), the book of Devarim…

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House of Devotion

It is often said that the foundation of Jewish life is the home. This statement acknowledges the vital role of the family in bringing Judaism to life. If a love and passion for Judaism is…

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Founder of the Council

It is said that, by nature, women are social creatures. This social, when organized, can be an incredible life-force. This idea became reality when Hannah Greenbaum Solomon (1858-1942)…

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Story Time

Use stories to teach the children in your life about Jewish values.

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Va’etchanan 5765-2005

"The Jewish Attitude Toward Intermarriage" by Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald This week's parasha, parashat Va'etchanan, is chock-full of extraordinary themes, including the texts of the Ten…

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Toledot 5764-2003

"The Theological Underpinnings of Anti-Semitism" by Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald In our previous study of parashat Toledot for the year 5761-2000, we analyzed the ancient origins and…

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Bereshith 5764-2003

"The Book of Humankind" by Rabbi Ephraim Buchwald More than 2000 years ago, the rabbis of the Babylonian Jewish community divided the Torah into 54 portions, and began the practice of…

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Behar 5763-2003

"Understanding Hebrew and Canaanite Servitude" by Rabbi Ephraim Buchwald In this coming week's parasha, parashat Behar, we learn of the laws of the Eved Ivri and the Eved K'na'ani,…

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Tetzaveh 5763-2003

"The Primacy of Jewish Education" by Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald In last week's parasha, parashat Terumah, we read of the appeal for donations to build the Tabernacle--the portable…

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Yitro 5760-2000

"An Encounter with Jethro and the Non-Jewish World" by Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald At the end of last week's parasha, Parashat B'shalach (Exodus 17:8-16), the Jewish people have an…

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