Miracles in the Holy Temple

As we prepare to celebrate Yom Yerushalayim, Jerusalem Day, on Monday, May 10th, take the opportunity to print out before Shabbat the 5th chapter of Pirkei Avot, Ethics of the Fathers,…

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Fulfilling a Holy Name

Rabbi Moshe Shik (1807-1897) is known among scholars as the “Maharam Shik.” The title, Maharam, is an acronym Moreinu Harav Moshe (Our Teacher, the Rabbi Moshe). While his family name may…

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Leading a High Holiday Beginners Service with Rabbi Ephraim Buchwald on Zoom

Leading a High Holiday Beginners Service with Rabbi Ephraim Buchwald on ZoomJoin Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald on Thursday,…

Holy Steps

As we take three steps forward to begin the Amidah, consider how fortunate we are to be able to regularly connect with the King of kings on an intimate basis.

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Holy Time

Tomorrow is Rosh Chodesh (the new month) and Erev Shabbat (the eve of the Sabbath). Find a way to make the day special, perhaps a nice dessert, a new piece of clothing or a bouquet of…

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Holy Whole Wheat?

Add a healthy element to your Shabbat table by using whole wheat challah.

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The Holy Ari: Rabbi Isaac ben Solomon Luria

When Rabbi Isaac ben Solomon Luria arrived in Safed, in 1569, the town had already become a center of Jewish learning, with a particular emphasis on the kabbalah (Jewish mysticism). By…

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High Holiday Essentials

September 26-October 5, 2022High Holiday Essentials Essential resources to celebrate Rosh Hashana, a commemoration of the…

The 10 Days

The 10 DaysOf Repentance As the sun sets on Yom Kippur, the judgment handed down on Rosh Hashana is sealed. Known as the Ten…

High Holiday Beginners Service Training Videos

High Holiday Beginners ServiceTraining Videos Join Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald, Director of NJOP, as he shares his expertise in…