Kee Tisah 5783-2023

“The Story of Esther--Making Choices for Jewish Destiny” (updated and revised from Kee Tisah 5762-2002)   by, Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald Because the joyous festival of Purim will be…

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The Four Mitzvot of Purim

This year, Purim will be celebrated beginning this evening, March 6th after sunset, and continue through tomorrow, Tuesday, March 7th. Four mitzvot are associated with the holiday:…

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The History Around Purim

The story of Purim takes place at the very end of the era known in Jewish history as the Babylonian Exile. King Nebuchadnezzar and the Babylonian legions destroyed the Temple and…

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The Purim Story in Under 300 Words

At the end of a 180-day feast, the King of Persia-Media, Achashverosh, banished (some say, executed) his wife, Vashti, for refusing to appear at his banquet. He then staged an elaborate…

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What Wood?

A large portion of the Book of Exodus describes the lengthy instructions for the building of the Mishkan (the portable Tabernacle) and its actual construction. Among the many fascinating…

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The Founder of the House of Rothschild

The name Rothschild echoes with a sense of wealth and fame. The House of Rothschild was one of the most powerful financial forces in 19th century Europe, and several members of the family…

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Humble Bee

February 22nd has been declared “Be Humble Day,” a “holiday” that most likely originated from the online greeting card industry. Nevertheless, a day dedicated to the importance of being…

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When Adar Begins

The month of Adar begins tonight. About Adar, the twelfth month of the Jewish calendar year (in non-leap years), the Talmud (Ta’anith 29a) states: “Mee’sheh’nichnas Adar, marbin…

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Celebrating with a Parade

Name a Jewish celebration that is not a wedding, but still includes a chuppah, music and dancing. The answer is a Hachnassat Sefer Torah, literally “Welcoming the Torah Scroll,” the…

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Women of Vision

Our sages teach that there were seven women famed for their prophecy. (Talmud Megillah 14a states that only prophecies with a message for the future were recorded. In reality, there were…

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