Doing Jewish

According to Ethics of the Fathers, the world stands on Torah, Avodah (prayers) and G'milut Chasadim (acts of kindness). When we participate in these three things we bring peace and…

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The Jewish Prime Minister?

Benjamin Disraeli has been called the first (and only) Jewish Prime Minister of England. The truth of this claim is...complicated. According to Jewish law, he was Jewish. His political…

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For Your Jewish Mother

If one were to believe the jokes, Jewish mothers enjoy nothing more than nagging their children to eat, encouraging grown children to get married, and bragging about the children’s…

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Jewish Bacon

Try kosher turkey or soy bacon.

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The First Jewish Lawyer

The study of law appears to attract a disproportionate number of Jews, perhaps because expounding arguments, pro and con, is one of the great pleasures of Talmudic discourse. In fact, one…

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For Jewish Youth

Do you know which international Jewish youth organization began in Omaha, Nebraska? In the 1920s, Jewish youth were often excluded from local clubs and organizations. When a group of…

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The Blessings of the Amidah: Redemption of the Jewish People

The nineteen blessings of the Amidah make up the core of the Jewish prayer service. The fifteenth blessing continues to focus on the future redemption as it beseeches God to send the…

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In Honor of Armistice Day: A Jewish War Hero Remembered

Sammy Dreben, “The Fighting Jew,” (1878-1925) was a new immigrant to the United States when he enlisted in the U.S. Army. It’s ironic that one of the main reasons that Dreben fled from…

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Jewish Friendship Circle

Organize a small group of friends with whom to study an interesting Jewish topic once a week.

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