A Kosher Buffet

While it seems a bit counterintuitive to have a day celebrating abundant eating the day after a national holiday (New Year's Day), nevertheless, January 2nd is celebrated as “Buffet……

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True Love

Marvel at the profound impact that adopting parents often have upon the life of their adopted child. As is well known, while Moses grew up in the lap of luxury, in Pharaoh’s palace, it is…

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The Foolishness of a Hardened Heart

Learn from the mistakes made by Pharaoh and other tyrants and the futility of trying to control others. Human nature sometimes compels us to reject personal responsibility and…

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The Gift of Sight

Remember each morning to recite the blessing thanking God for allowing us to be able to see. The devastating plague of darkness described in the Torah, that severely impacted the ability…

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In honor of National Handwriting Day, which is today, Jewish Treats explores the unique calligraphy practiced by a Jewish sofer (scribe). The Hebrew letters used in a Torah scroll, as…

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Everyday Miracles

While the manna that descended from heaven was certainly miraculous, recognize how many miracles occur all around us on any given day. The manna that the Jewish nation received each day…

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Shabbat Coffee

Do your mornings look something like this? You wake up startled by your alarm clock and practically crawl to your kitchen, desperately searching for your favorite mug and your go-to…

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Enjoy Shabbat

Learn how to properly prepare coffee on Shabbat so you can relax and enjoy a delicious hot cup while celebrating Shabbat. The Aseret Hadibrot better known as the “Ten Commandments” appear…

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Thoughts for the Heart

In honor of American Heart Month, and because caring for your own health is part of two Torah mitzvot of “V’nish’martem me’od l’naf’sho’tay’chem” and “hatzalat n’fashoat” (guarding and…

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Your Actions Matter

Think before you act. Under both halacha (Jewish law) and civil law, our actions have ramifications. The Torah, as elucidated through the teachings of the Talmud is particularly focused…

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