Smashing the Tablets

The sages declare that five tragedies occurred on the Seventeenth of Tammuz, (Sunday, July 17th)* which is why the day is observed as a fast day. Days of what we might now call “bad…

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Balak 5782-2022

“How Goodly Are Your Tents O’ Jacob” (updated and revised from Balak 5764-2004) by, Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald In this week’s parasha, parashat Balak, we read the dramatic story of the…

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Magen David Adom

The opportunity to save a life (hatzalat nefashot) is one of those unique events that may never occur in a person’s lifetime. Today, Jewish Treats salutes those who often risk life and…

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Chukat 5782-2022

“A Tribute to Miriam, Our Sister” (updated and revised from Chukat 5764-2004) by, Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald This week’s parasha, parshat Chukat, sadly informs us of the death of Miriam.…

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Free To All

On June 30, 2008, the first Jewish Treat was published. There were fewer than 50 subscribers. Today, we are proud to say, that over 4,200 people receive Jewish Treats in their inboxes…

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Partner Contact Page-2

Update your contact informationUpdate information for rabbis, Jewish educators and synagogue representatives Welcome NJOP…

Korach 5782-2022

“Korach’s Rebellion: Why is the Jewish Community Losing So Many of its Best and Brightest?” (updated and revised from Korach 5763-2003) by, Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald This week’s parasha,…

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Summer Camp

With the school year having come to a close across the country, many parents are packing their children’s trunks and duffels for summer camp. The world of Jewish camping began as a…

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Not So Freedom Summer

On June 21, 1964, one of the most heinous and scandalous murders took place in U.S. history, shocking the country. Andrew Goodman, 21, a native of the Upper West Side of Manhattan,…

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Shelach 5782-2022

“Achieving Immortality” (updated and revised from Shelach 5763-2003) by Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald One of the most heartrending and challenging juxtapositions in the Bible appears in this…

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