The Jewish National Council

In the early twentieth century, the land of Israel went from being part of the Ottoman Empire to being a holding of the British. As immigration was continuing to increase and strengthen…

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Einstein’s Jewish Life

Albert Einstein, whose yahrzeit is the 26th of Nissan (today), is one of the most admired men in history. His name and his face are almost universally recognized, and his scientific…

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Sand, Sun and Jewish History

In 1917, Saint Croix, Saint John and Saint Thomas (as well as the smaller surrounding islands) were transferred from the dominion of Denmark to the possession of the United States. As…

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New Hampshire’s Jewish History

As Americans await the outcome of today’s New Hampshire primary, Jewish Treats takes a look at Jewish life in the ninth state of the Union. While the Jewish population of New Hampshire…

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Honoring Jewish Treats

If you enjoy Jewish Treats, join NJOP in honoring Jewish Treat's author Sarah Rochel Hewitt at NJOP's 28th Annual Dinner on February 3rd. 

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How Elvis Was Jewish

Do a websearch on “Jewish Elvis,” and you will be astounded at what you find. Born on January 8, 1935, Elvis Aaron Presley was the great-grandson of Martha Tacket, who is reported to have…

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Jewish Resolution

Add a Jewish goal to your resolutions.

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Jewish War Veterans

In honor of Veterans’ Day, Jewish Treats presents a brief history of the Jewish War Veterans of the United States, which is more commonly referred to by its acronym JWV. Originally formed…

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The Jewish History of the Mercedes

If you ask most people if they know what the Jewish connection is to Mercedes brand automobiles, they might guess that it was the boycott placed on the German car by many Jews of the…

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Read Jewish

Read Jewish stories to the Jewish children in your life. 

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