Study Jewish Communities

Study about the Jewish communities you visit when you travel and support them.

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Sarah’s Whereabouts Determine Jewish Law

Parashat Vayeira begins with Avraham convalescing after his circumcision. Unexpectedly, he sees three “visitors,” whom the Midrash identifies as angels, come toward his home. Excited to…

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Jewish Persistence

Learn about Jewish institutions, events and practices the evil Nazis tried to stop, but, despite the Nazi actions, continue to thrive decades after the Third Reich has been destroyed.

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Wish both Jews and Non-Jews a Happy and Successful Jewish New Year

On Rosh Hashana we celebrate the creation of the first human being. While only Jews celebrate Rosh Hashana, it is an important anniversary for all humankind.

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Identify With, and Act for Jewish Causes

Our personal identity revolves around family, geography, ethnicity and ideology. Never forget that each Jew is an integral and irreplaceable part of the Jewish community.

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Support Jewish Artists

Support the artistic innovation and creativity of Jewish artists.

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International Jewish Community

Learn about the local Jewish history of areas to which you plan to travel.

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The Jewish Reveille

The first day of the Hebrew month of Elul, just two days away, brings with it a few changes to the prayer service, one of which is the blowing of the shofar every morning (except Shabbat…

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Learn Jewish History

When reading news stories about Israel, learn about the history and context of the region and the issue.

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Seek Jewish Unity

Think of daily opportunities that manifest the idea that all of Israel are one.

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