Mourning Jerusalem I: A Brief History of the First Temple

Next Wednesday night and Thursday (July 26th and 27th), Jews the world over will be observing the fast of Tisha b’Av. It is on this day of the Hebrew calendar that the Jewish people mourn…

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Who Was Mordechai?

There are some people in this world who always seem to be right in the thick of the action. As described in the Book of Esther, this was Mordechai. It is Mordechai’s cousin, Esther, who…

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Vayechi 5783-2022

“How Important is Timing?” (updated and revised from Vayechi 5763-2002) by, Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald This week’s parasha, parashat Vayechi, contains a series of exalted poetic verses…

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Vayigash 5783-2022

“Joseph Reveals Himself to His Brothers: The Triumph of Jewish Identity” (updated and revised from Vayigash 5763-2002) by, Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald In a very real sense, according to…

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Mourning Jerusalem I: A Brief History of the First Temple

This coming Saturday night and Sunday, Jews the world over will be observing the fast of Tisha b’Av. It is on this day of the Hebrew calendar that the Jewish people mourn the destruction…

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Who Was Mordechai?

There are some people in this world who always seem to be right in the thick of the action. As described in the Book of Esther, this was Mordechai. It is Mordechai’s cousin who is chosen…

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Vayigash 5782-2021

“The Virtues of Assimilation” (updated and revised from Vayigash 5762-2001) by Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald In this week’s parasha, parashat Vayigash, the dramatic story of Joseph and his…

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Vayeishev 5782-2021

“Judah Emerges as the Leader of Israel” (Updated and revised from Vayeishev 5763-2002) by Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald This week’s parasha, Vayeishev, represents the opening chapter of one…

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Why is Jerusalem Not Mentioned in the Torah?

In the first aliyah of parashat Re’eh, the Torah mentions 16 times an unknown place where God will choose to rest His Presence. Now, thousands of years later, we know that place to be the…

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Mourning Jerusalem I: A Brief History of the First Temple

This coming Saturday night and Sunday, Jews the world over will be observing the fast of Tisha b’Av. It is on this day that the Jewish people mourn the destruction of both the First and…

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