What’s In The Book – The Twelve Prophets: Zephaniah

The Book of Zephaniah dates from the reign of King Josiah of Judah. Zephaniah’s opening prophecy is dark and violent, describing God’s plans for the complete and total destruction of the…

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What’s in the Book – The Twelve Prophets – Habakuk

The Book of Habakuk has only three chapters. Habakuk cried out to God to witness the perversions of justice. “How long, O God, shall I cry out, and You will not hear? Shall I shout to…

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What’s in the Book – the Twelve Prophets – Nahum

The prophet Nahum’s prophecy focuses on the fate of the great Assyrian city of Nineveh. God’s anger, as described by Nahum, was at the point of erupting. The fury of God, predicts Nahum,…

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What’s in the Book- the Twelve Prophets – Micah

The Book of Micah contains prophecy directed at both Samaria (Israel) and Jerusalem (Judah) by the prophet Micah, who lived in Judah during the reigns of Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, kings…

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The Messiah – A Jewish Concept

Because the concept of a Messiah* (Moshiach in Hebrew) is not overtly mentioned in the five books of the Torah, it is often overlooked as one of the tenets of the Jewish faith. But the…

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What’s in the Book: the Twelve Prophets – Amos

Amos was a herdsman of Tekoa, who prophesied during the reign of Kings Jeroboam II of Israel and Uzziah of Judea. Amos’ initial prophecies declared that the neighboring city-states…

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What’s in the Book: the Twelve Prophets – Joel

The Book of Joel is a mere four chapters long. The prophet Joel lived in the Kingdom of Judea and prophesied during the reign of the wicked King Manasseh (c. 600 B.C.E.). Joel’s prophecy…

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What’s in the Book: The Twelve Prophets – Hosea

The prophet Hosea lived during the reign of King Jeroboam II over the Northern Kingdom of Israel. He was also a contemporary of the prophet Isaiah. God instructed Hosea to marry the…

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Re’eh 5782-2022

“Identifying a True Prophet” (updated and revised from Re’eh 5764-2004) by, Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald In this week’s parasha, parashat Re’eh, the Torah warns the Jewish people not to…

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The Birth and Death of Moses

One of the 13 principles of faith according to Maimonides is believing that Moses was the greatest of all the Jewish prophets. He was so great, that God feared he would be worshipped…

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