9/11 and Jewish History

The attack on the continental U.S. homeland on September 11, 2001 changed the entire complexion of the United States. Almost 200 years had passed since the last attack on the U.S.…

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The Jewish Ghost Town of Utah

As a dry wind blows across the dusty plains just south of Gunnison, Utah, a traveler might be shocked to stumble upon a small, gated Jewish cemetery. Indeed, the burial ground is so small…

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Jewish Education Heroine

Recognize the significant role that Vichna Kaplan played in launching the Beth Jacob schools for young Jewish women in America.

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The Book of Lamentations

On Tisha b’Av, the ninth of Av, one of the ways that the Jewish people demonstrate their mourning over the loss of both Holy Temples is by refraining from Torah study that brings pleasure…

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Study the Book of Lamentations

To better appreciate the impact of the destruction of the Temple upon the Jewish people, click here to read the text of the Book of Eicha.

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Jewish Judo

With the summer Olympics set to begin in Paris, Jewish Treats takes a look at how judo became an Olympic women’s sport. If you have tuned into the Olympic games in the past, you have…

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Fashion Statement

In Numbers 15:38, God commands the Jewish people to “make themselves tzitzit on the corners of their garments, throughout their generations.” Additionally, it is written in Deuteronomy…

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Jewish Trailblazer

Appreciate Jewish trailblazers like Justice Louis Brandeis who, as the first Jew confirmed as a Supreme Court Justice, broke through the glass ceiling, opening the door for other Jewish…

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Jewish Matchmaking

“Matchmaker, matchmaker / Look through your book / And make me a perfect match…” (Fiddler on the Roof). With the widespread proliferation of internet dating sites such as eHarmony,…

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Einstein’s Jewish Life

Albert Einstein, whose yahrzeit is the 26th of Nissan (Saturday), is one of the most admired men in history. His name and his face are almost universally recognized, and his scientific…

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