For Religious Education

Acknowledge the good work of AMIT, which now runs over 100 schools and programs as part of Israel's only government-recognized network of religious Jewish education.

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Support Your Local Jewish Institutions

Learn from the wonderful example set by the Raskas family’s support of local St. Louis Jewish educational institutions by supporting Jewish institutions in your community.

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Support Your Local Jewish Institutions

Learn from the example set by the Raskas family’s support of local St. Louis Jewish educational institutions by supporting Jewish institutions in your community.

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For Religious Education

Recognize the important work of AMIT, which supports and operates over 100 schools and programs as part of Israel’s only government-recognized network of religious Jewish education.…

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Support Your Local Jewish Institutions

Learn from the example set by the Raskas family's support of local St. Louis Jewish educational institutions by supporting Jewish institutions in your community.

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For Religious Education

Acknowledge the good work of AMIT, which runs over 100 schools and programs as part of Israel's only government-recognized network of religious Jewish education.

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Supporting Jewish Causes

While many worthy causes such as hospitals and museums were built as a result of Jewish philanthropy, make certain to also support other Jewish causes, such as Jewish education, helping…

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Boundary Stones and Unfair Competition in Jewish Law

In parshat Shoftim in the book of Deuteronomy, the Torah teaches that, “You shall not move your fellow’s landmarks, set up by previous generations, in the property that will be allotted…

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A Jewish Treats Guide to Visiting the Zoo

Throughout the world, April 8th is celebrated as “Zoo Lovers Day.” The first zoo of record was built in 1752 at the behest of Emperor Francis I in Vienna, Austria. Although it was built…

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Philosophy, Religion, A Jewish Civilization

Rabbi Mordecai Kaplan was born on June 11, 1881, in Lithuania. His family moved to America in 1889. After receiving a traditional Jewish education, Kaplan studied at the Jewish…

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