9/11 and Jewish History

The attack on the continental U.S. homeland on September 11, 2001, changed the entire complexion of the United States. Almost 200 years had passed since the last attack on the U.S.…

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Jewish Calendar

By using the Jewish calendar as often as you can, you can fulfill the mitzvah of remembering the Exodus, which is the official starting point of the current Jewish monthly calendar.

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Jewish Celebrities

Support the work of celebrities and artists who take pride in their Jewishness and make their Jewish heritage part of their work or personality.

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Boundary Stones and Unfair Competition in Jewish Law

In parshat Shoftim in the book of Deuteronomy, the Torah teaches that, “You shall not move your fellow’s landmarks, set up by previous generations, in the property that will be allotted…

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Look Good and Comply with Jewish Law

Because the long tradition behind Jewish law usually has more grey than black and white, much nuance exists. Study Jewish law and experience the millennia-long tapestry of opinions and…

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Learn the Jewish History of Estonia

Before you travel to or through Estonia, learn its rich Jewish history.

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Support Jewish Causes All over the World

There are worthy causes internationally, that would benefit from our efforts and funds. Like Moses Montefiore, these causes help Jews around the world.

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Visit Your Local Jewish Bookstore

Amassing a Jewish library will enable you, and those close to you, to continuously study and grow in Judaism. Some opinions claim that purchasing religious books fulfills the final…

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Study the Jewish History of Wyoming

Before you travel to, or through, Wyoming, learn about its rich Jewish history.

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Visit Sites of Jewish Interest when you travel

Jews have been around for a long time and you never know which cities have hosted Jewish populations. Seek out the history of Jewish life in the areas where you travel.

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