Book Respect

Because of the centrality of the Torah in Jewish life, the Jewish people are known as, “The People of the Book.” Perhaps the Jewish people could also be known as, “The People of the…

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Va’eira 5783-2023

“The Exodus--A ‘Primitive’ Story with Revolutionary Implications” (updated and revised from Va’eira 5763-2002) by, Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald Jewish history is often perceived, with great…

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Honoring King

“The Hebrew prophets belong to all people because their concepts of justice and equality have become ideals for all races and civilizations. Today we particularly need the Hebrew prophets…

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Blood is Life

January has been labeled National Blood Donor Month, making it an ideal time for Jewish Treats to reflect upon Judaism’s special attitude toward blood. God called the very first human…

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Humiliation Day

In an effort to make the calendar more interesting, there are many days on the calendar that have been designated as “holidays.” Many of these so-called “holidays” are intended to be cute…

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The Fast of the Fifth of Tevet

Aside from Yom Kippur, which is mentioned in the Torah, all the other fasts on the Jewish calendar are rabbinic in nature and find their rabbinic source in a single scriptural verse:…

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Giving Gifts

“A person who is diligent in lighting Chanukah candles will have children who are scholars” (Talmud Shabbat 23b). The desire for scholarly children was actually one of the motivations for…

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Mikeitz 5783-2022

“In Those Days, in These Times” (updated and revised from Mikeitz 5763-2002) by, Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald As we have previously noted, the story of Joseph may be seen as the story of an…

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Vayishlach 5783-2022

“We Can Forgive the Arabs for Killing Our Children...” (updated and revised from Vayishlach 5763-2002) by, Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald As we increase our knowledge of Torah, we cannot help…

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The Thanksgiving Synagogue Service

While Thanksgiving is most certainly an American festival of gratitude, its founders prominently articulated its religious underpinnings, which ultimately find their source in Judaism.…

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