Visit Jerusalem

Plan your visit (or virtual visit) to Jerusalem, so you can explore its wonderous Jewish history and develop a deep appreciation for the historical significance that seems to be unearthed…

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Tithe Means Tenth

Ideally, people would have no qualms about supporting those in need. The Torah, however, recognized that charity is not necessarily a person’s first instinct and therefore specifies a…

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Best Seller

For a high school dropout who failed English three times, Leon Uris had an outstanding career as a best-selling author. The Baltimore-born (August 3, 1924) Uris was the son of a Jewish…

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Reading Light

If you don’t enjoy non-fiction books, read Jewish historical fiction to learn about Jewish history.

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Re’eh 5781-2021

“The Elusive Blessing of ‘Peace’” (updated and revised from Re’eh 5763-2003) by, Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald This week’s Torah portion, parashat Re’eh, contains some of the most exalted…

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Uprising At Treblinka

The heinous plans of the Nazis seemed too horrible to be credible. Who could imagine “civilized” men conceiving of Operation Reinhard, a plan to oversee the building of Belzec, Sobibor…

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Never Forget

Learn about the heroism of the “Organizing Committee” of Jewish prisoners at the Treblinka concentration camp and their efforts to escape their horrific circumstances.

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The Heel and the Parachute

The title of this week’s parasha, Eikev, is one of the more difficult parasha names to properly translate. The word “eikev” connotes connotes the word “therefore,” so the opening three…

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A Woman In Charge

Mizrachi Women’s Organization of America (MWOA, known today as AMIT – Americans for Israel and Torah) began as part of Mizrachi of America. Its separate identity was the direct result of…

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Teaching By Example

Learn how to really make a difference in people’s lives by following the example of Bessie Gotsfeld, who helped launch Amit, now a network of over 100 schools in Israel, offering tens of…

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