International Holocaust Memorial Day

Speak of the Holocaust and the first word that many think of is Auschwitz. It was, and is, the most infamous of the concentration camps established by the Nazis. In fact, Auschwitz was…

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A Day For Sleep?

Among the many festivals assigned to the final days of December and the first days of January, one of the newest and, perhaps, the most logical, is the anonymous designation of January…

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Post Labor Day Whites

When is it fashionably acceptable to wear white after Labor Day? On Yom Kippur!Many people have the custom of wearing white on Yom Kippur. In the synagogue you will often see women…

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Jerusalem Day

In 1947, when the United Nations approved the plan to partition the British Mandate of Palestine (Israel) into a Jewish state and an Arab state, they determined that Jerusalem would be an…

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Happy Bow Tie Day

Bow Tie Day is celebrated annually on August 28th. The bow tie originated in the 17th century with Croatian soldiers who wore them as part of their uniforms in the Thirty Year War. The…

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Post Labor Day Whites

When is it fashionably acceptable to wear white after Labor Day? On Yom Kippur! Many people have the custom of wearing white on Yom Kippur. In the synagogue you will often see women…

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Kindness Day

While giving charity (tzedakah) is an act of kindness (chesed), acts of kindness are not necessarily charity. According to the Talmudic sage Rabbi Elazar, “Acts of My kindness are greater…

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Hebrew Reading One Day Review – High Holiday Prayers

Hebrew Reading Crash Course on ZoomJoin NJOP for this exciting class on Zoom! Forward to a friend

International Holocaust Memorial Day

Speak of the Holocaust and the first word that many think of is Auschwitz. It was, and is, the most infamous of the concentration camps established by the Nazis. In fact, Auschwitz was…

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Yom Ha’shoah, Holocaust Memorial Day

Yom Ha’shoah, is usually observed each year on the 27th of Nissan. Jews around the world will mark Yom Ha’shoah (Officially Yom Ha’zikaron La’shoah V’ha’g’vurah, which translates to…

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