For The Medal of Honor: The Story of PFC Leonard Kravitz

On March 6, 1951, a platoon of American soldiers serving in the Korean War came under heavy fire by the Chinese Army near Yangpyeong, Korea. When the platoon’s Machine Gunner was wounded,…

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A Twentieth Century Jewish Poet

In honor of National Poetry Month, which is April, Jewish Treats presents a brief biography of Muriel Rukeyser (1913-1980). Born and raised in New York City, Rukeyser attended Vassar…

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Learning the Truth of Your Heritage at Age 59-The Amazing Story of Madeleine Albright

Madeleine Albright broke a glass ceiling when she became the first woman U.S. Secretary of State, on January 23, 1997. A few weeks later, at age 59, Madeleine learned that her parents,…

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The Great Rae Landy

Today, Jewish Treats honors Rae Landy. To Rachel “Rae” Landy, nursing was far more than a job, it was a “calling.” Born in Lithuania on June 27, 1885, she came to America when she was 3…

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