Tisha b’Av Articles

Jewish Treats aboutTisha b'Av Browse our archive of Tisha b’Av related Jewish Treats.…


KinnotMany devastating events took place on the 9th of Av. This is why the Jewish people consider it the saddest day on the…

Who Lights The Shabbat Candles?

While lighting Shabbat candles is generally considered a "woman's mitzvah," and is traditionally performed by the woman of the house, it is actually an obligation of the entire household.…

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Tisha b’Av

Tisha b’Av The saddest day in the Jewish calendar, believed to be a day which is destined for tragedy.  Guide…

The Jews’ Hospital of New York

Healthcare is a topic that is frequently in the news these days and is a major part of the current public discourse. Before it became standard practice for governments to fund public…

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The Surgery Is Elective

In the late twentieth century, there was, according to anecdotal evidence, an epidemic of "deviated septum" among American Jewish girls. The implication, along with many not-so-funny…

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Eat and Save

"Eat your peas! There are children starving in Africa!" "No dessert until you eat all the food on your plate!" "Waste not, want not." Today, June 5, 2020, is the United Nations…

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Who Was a Nazirite?

One of the topics found in Parashat Naso concerns the Nazirite. The Nazirite is a man or woman who vows to avoid the vices of wine and grape products, to avoid any contact with the dead…

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Book Respect

Because of the centrality of the Torah in Jewish life, the Jewish people are known as, "The People of the Book." Perhaps the Jewish people could also be known as, "The People of the…

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CommunityResources and programs for rabbis, Jewish educators and synagogue representatives Welcome NJOP Partners Since NJOP’s…