Blessed Is He Who Makes Strange Creatures

An individual might not think that Jewish Treats would have much to say about “Peculiar People Day,” as January 10th has been dubbed by those who create new holidays. However, the sages…

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The Jews of the New Mexico Territory

On January 6, 1912, New Mexico became the 47th state of the United States of America. The majority of the state’s territory was acquired by the United States from Mexico in the late…

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Bo 5782-2022

“Rituals Work, Rituals Work!” (updated and revised from Bo 5762-2002) by Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald This week’s parasha, parashat Bo, describes the final three plagues: locusts, darkness…

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A Pleasant Song Composed

The liturgy of the synagogue has developed over the span of Jewish history. Some parts of the service– such as the Shema, which is a recitation of Biblical text – originate from Judaism’s…

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Praise on Shabbat

Recognize the opportunity to praise God through the recitation of the most pleasant prayer, Anim Zemirot, the Shir Hakavod for Shabbat. Learn about the most pleasant of relationships,…

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Settling Texas

On December 29, 1845, the sovereign nation known as the Republic of Texas became the 28th state of the United States of America. In the ten years of Texas’ independence before becoming a…

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Make it Worthwhile

Before traveling across the country, learn about the local Jewish historical sites so you can visit them while there.

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Natural Born Athlete

In the world of sports, Bobbie Rosenfeld had, what a person might call, the “magic touch.” As it was once noted: “The most efficient way to summarize Bobbie Rosenfeld’s career…is to say…

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Va’eira 5782-2021

“Can We Question G-d and Get Away with It?” (Updated and revised from Va’eira 5762-2002) by Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald This week’s parasha, parashat Va’eira, opens with G-d’s response to…

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Can You Be The Tenth?

That the Hebrew word “minyan” derives from the infinitive “lim’not,” to count or number, is not at all surprising. A minyan is a quorum of 10, the smallest number necessary to create a…

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