Jewish Identity

Explore the distinctive backgrounds of those who first came to the U.S. and settled in the southwestern United States, in places such as New Mexico.

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Jewish Trailblazers

Today, a Jewish Supreme Court Justice does not make headlines for their ethnicity, only because others before them broke the glass ceiling. Appreciate the Jewish trailblazers who came…

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World History and Jewish History

While there is much to learn from world history, it is critical to master its impact on the Jewish community and, in a broader sense, on Jewish history.

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In Honor of Veterans Day- A Jewish War Hero Remembered

Sammy Dreben, “The Fighting Jew,” (1878-1925) was a new immigrant from Russia to the United States when he enlisted in the U.S. Army. It’s ironic that one of the main reasons that Dreben…

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Jewish in the House of Commons and Lords

Learn about the Jewish heroes and heroines who, over the years, helped secure a formal acceptance of Jewish identity at the highest levels of government in countries around the world.

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Sarah’s Whereabouts Determine Jewish Law

Parashat Vayeira begins with Abraham convalescing after his circumcision. Unexpectedly, he sees three “visitors,” whom the Midrash identifies as angels, come toward his home. Excited to…

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Celebrate our Jewish Distinctiveness

While living in exile among different cultures, we need to be mindful that in order to perpetuate Judaism, we need to assure that we do not lose our special values that make us distinct.

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The Jewish Ghost Town of Utah

As a dry wind blows across the dusty plains just south of Gunnison, Utah, a traveler might be shocked to stumble upon a small, gated Jewish cemetery. Indeed, the burial ground is so small…

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Travel with a Jewish Twist

When traveling, find out if there is, or was, a Jewish community at your destination. If yes, make an effort to visit, if possible.

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Your Jewish Life Coach

Do you have a life coach? For those unfamiliar with the term, life coaches work to help clients determine and achieve personal goals. While life coaching as a profession in western…

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