Honoring 9/11

Sunday is the 21st anniversary of the devastating attack on the World Trade Center in New York City and several other targets in 2001. There are stories to be told of many heroes. People…

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Moral Yoking

While organizations such as PETA and local SPCAs were created to protect animals and safeguard them from undue suffering and cruelty, the Torah has, for millennia, maintained strict laws…

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A Ship’s Tale

Well sit right back and you’ll hear a tale…Alas, this ship’s tale is no three-hour tour, but the story of the birth of Jewish life in North America. It is well-known that the first Jewish…

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Humble Beginnings

While New York City today has the highest concentrations of Jews of any city in the world outside of Israel, consider the humble beginnings for a group of 23 Jewish men, women and…

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I Am To My Beloved

The Torah verse that most epitomizes the emotion of love is: “Anee l’dodi v’dodi lee” – I am to my beloved, and my beloved is to me (Song of Songs 6:3). The ideal love relationship,…

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Respect for Workers

Study the Torah's laws of the proper treatment of workers to better appreciate the moral and ethical underpinning of Jewish lore and law.

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Kee Teitzei 5782-2022

“The Torah’s Radical Approach to Child Rearing” (updated and revised from Kee Teitzei 5763-2003) by, Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald In this week’s parasha, parashat Kee Teitzei, we learn of a…

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Is It Good To Be The King?

Parashat Shoftim, this week’s Torah portion, addresses many issues, among them the Jewish jurisprudential system, false prophets, and the Arei Miklat, cities of refuge. The guidelines for…

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Mezuzah: Complete Fulfillment

A mezuzah on the doorpost is a public sign of a Jewish home. If you open the decorative container of the mezuzah, you will find a piece of parchment with two sets of Hebrew verses from…

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Look Before You Enter

As you walk into a Jewish home and see a mezuzah on the doorpost, think about its contents and your ongoing relationship with God.

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