Happy 5782 From NJOP

There is a profound yearning to connect to the sweetness, to learn to read Hebrew and make up for lost time!

August 2021/Elul 5781
Dear Friends,
It’s Our Sacred Responsibility!
Before the arrival of the dreaded COVID-19 pandemic, many of us had been fortunate each year, to sit in our synagogues with our families on Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur, sharing the majesty of the moment, and praying together, beseeching the Al-mighty to grant us a year filled with blessings for us and for all our loved ones. It was all so regular and all so routine, that we often took these precious moments for granted. We pray, that in the coming year, we will be able to begin to return to some level of normalcy, and more deeply appreciate those special times.
And as we pray during the coming High Holidays, we need to bear in mind that it’s not just for our immediate family for whom we should be praying. After all, we are taught by our sages that we are each responsible for the well-being of all Jewish people. We are all guarantors for our brothers and sisters, wherever they may be.
Each morning, in the blessings of the Torah, we ask; “Please God, sweeten the words of Your Torah in our mouths and the mouths of Your people.” For almost 34 years, with your generous and continuous support, NJOP has been at the forefront of promoting the sweetness of Jewish teachings, figuratively, dipping the apple of Jewish mindfulness into honey, impacting upon hundreds of thousands of Jews, across North America and in 44 countries around the world, many of whom had no previous connection with Jewish life, providing them with extraordinary learning opportunities and positive, joyous Jewish experiences.
Click here to read our full letter containing some
highlights of NJOP’s work during the past year,
and some wonderful kudos from those
who have benefitted from NJOP’s vital work.
Over the years, NJOP’s efforts have impacted hundreds of thousands of Jews around the world. Through the SHABBAT ACROSS AMERICA AND CANADA campaign, NJOP has brought the sweetness of the Shabbat experience to over 1.1 million participants, and over 260,000 have learned to read Hebrew by participating in the READ HEBREW AMERICA AND CANADA Hebrew literacy campaign offered each fall. Throughout the years, NJOP’s programs have enabled over 50,000 Jews across the spectrum, to celebrate the Jewish holidays of Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur, Sukkot, Chanukah, Purim and Passover at one of NJOP’s acclaimed workshops and programs.
You, our wonderful partners, have truly been the backbone of NJOP’s remarkable achievements over the past 34 years. By enabling NJOP to share the sweetness of Jewish life and Jewish practice with thousands of our mostly-unaffiliated brothers and sisters, whether at in-person programs or those offered on Zoom, NJOP’s daily Jewish Treats email, or providing inspiration on NJOP social media platforms such as @JewishTweets on Twitter, NJOP has made a difference. A real difference!
We look forward to a year of extraordinary growth and engagement on the part of the tens of thousands who will be touched by NJOP wherever they may be. With your dedicated and magnanimous support, we will, together, fulfill our sacred responsibility.
Wishing you a healthy and happy New Year. Shana Tova.
With best wishes,
Ephraim Z. Buchwald
PS: NJOP’s success is truly your success. We are confident that as NJOP moves forward, you will be there for NJOP as you have been so generously over the past 34 years.