Nitzavim-Rosh Hashana 5773-2012
“The Return to G-d”
Our rabbis declare that in the place where the penitents stand, even the most righteous cannot stand. Why should G-d feel closer to the penitent than to one who has never sinned?
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Kee Tavo 5772-2012
“Persecution’s ‘Silver Lining’”
In G-d’s reproof of the Jewish people, He declares that even in exile the people will not find rest for the soles of their feet. Can persecution actually prove to be a blessing in disguise?
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Kee Teitzei 5772-2012
"The Sanctity of the Camp of Israel"
Among the many revolutionary ideas found in this week’s Torah portion is the idea of the sanctity of the camp of Israel. The Torah calls on the Jewish people to ensure that sanctified values be established in their homes, permeate their schools, be reflected in their places of work, and be conspicuous in all their endeavors.
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Shoftim 5772-2012
“The Haughty Heart”
Despite his unchallenged right to honor, the Israelite king is instructed by the Torah to never be haughty. The rabbis and commentators have much to say about hubris and self-aggrandizement regarding the common person as well.
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Re’eh 5772-2012
“The Gift of Self Esteem”
From the ancient laws of the Hebrew servant, we behold an astounding reality--that the Torah, a document written more than 3,300 years ago, was deeply sensitive to the emotional needs of the downtrodden. What could be a greater gift to give one who is in pain than the gift of self-esteem?
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Eikev 5772-2012
“Loving the Stranger”
If attitudes of antipathy and xenophobia are often directed at mere strangers, how much more so to strangers who wish to convert to Judaism, who are neither members of our families, nor of our people. Consequently, the Torah laws regarding the proper treatment of converts are rather extensive and quite detailed.
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Va’etchanan 5772-2012
"The Magic of the Mezuzah"
In this week’s parasha, parashat Va’etchanan, we encounter the first of two textual references to the mitzvah of mezuzah that are found in the Torah. The mezuzah is one of the most widely known rituals of Judaism. Among other purposes, it serves to strengthen Jewish identity.
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Devarim 5772-2012
"The Al-mighty’s Relationship with the Nations of the World"
As the People of Israel conclude their 40 year trek through the wilderness, they emerge as a triumphant nation, having defeated the most powerful nations in the world. Nevertheless, Moses tells them in G-d's name that they must zealously respect the rights and privileges of the other nations as well.
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Matot-Masei 5772-2012
“Words that Hurt, Words that Heal”
In parashat Matot, we are immediately confronted with the exceptional power of words.
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Pinchas 5772-2012
“Transferring Power”
Some of the commentators suggest that Joshua was not the only candidate to succeed Moses as leader. Some even suggest that Joshua was not even Moses’ first choice. Why then was he chosen?
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Balak 5772-2012
“Balaam, the Sorcerer, Becomes a Prophet”
When Balaam comes to curse the People of Israel, he arrives as a sorcerer. By the time he departs, he is transformed by G-d into a prophet!
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Chukat 5772-2012
"It is a Decree Before Me–-You Have No Right to Question It!"
The Parah Adumah, the Red Heifer, is one of the most enigmatic laws of the Torah. Rashi declares that the law of the Red Heifer is a decree that mortals have no right to question. Rashi then proceeds to try to explain the enigma.
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Korach 5772-2012
"Jealousy, Lust, and Thirst for Honor"
There is a remarkable confluence between the story of Korach and the statement of Rav Elazar Ha’Kapar that is recorded in Mishnah Avot: “Envy, lust and obsessive desire for glory, remove a person from this world.”
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Shelach 5772-2012
"Had I Only Known!"
How sad it is that many of us fail to consider the long-range implications of our evil deeds and our inadequate actions.
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B’ha’alot’cha 5772-2012
"Eldad and Medad"
Eldad and Medad are two relatively unknown Biblical personages, and yet, their powerful message and actions continue to resonate loud and clear.
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Naso 5772-2012
"The Most Famous of All Nazarites--Samson"
In parashat Naso we learn of the laws of the Nazarite, a person who seeks holiness. The Nazarite vows not to drink wine or anything derived from grapes, not to cut his hair, nor to become contaminated by coming in contact with the dead. It is for this reason that the rabbis chose the story of Samson, who was also a Nazarite, to serve as the weekly Haftorah, the prophetic message, that supplements this week’s Torah reading.
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Bamidbar – Shavuot 5772-2012
"Techelet--Genuine Sincerity in Faith"
The Torah delineates very specific procedures for preparing the Tabernacle furnishings before the camp of Israel travels in the wilderness. From the priestly procedures to cover the holy furnishings of the Tabernacle, we learn a profound lesson regarding the primacy of faith.
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Behar-Bechukotai, Yom Yerushalayim 5772-2012
"Living Outside the Land of Israel"
Although the Midrash regards the importance of the mitzvah of dwelling in the land of Israel as equivalent in value to all the other Torah mitzvot combined, the debate still rages today regarding the obligation for all Jews to dwell in the land of Israel.
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Emor 5772-2012
"Lessons from a Priest’s Wanton Daughter"
The bad habits that we see some of our children developing may not be due to the children’s own personal shortcomings, but rather a result of the failure of proper parental nurturing. The only way for the priests, parents, and children to become sanctified and remain sanctified is for parents to serve as sanctified examples for their children and their families.
0 Comments14 Minutes
Acharei Mot-Kedoshim 5772-2012
"Respect for Elders"
Our rabbis suggest that according filial respect and honoring elders are the fundamental building blocks of a healthy society, without which the world would soon revert to a state of chaos.
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Tazria-Metzorah 5772-2012
“The Essential Ingredient for Repentance and Prayer--Humility”
The highly symbolic ritual of purification of the person stricken with the Tzaraat disease has much to teach us about achieving proper Teshuva (repentance) and the art of offering exalted prayer.
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Shemini 5772-2012
"The Efficacy of the Oral Code"
In parashat Shemini we encounter one of many verses in the Torah that seems to indicate that Torah clearly does not make sense without an Oral Code. Although every verse of the Biblical text has a definite literal meaning, virtually every verse has its own particular interpretation in the Oral Code to facilitate our understanding of the Biblical text.
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Passover II 5772-2012
“G-d Shall Do Battle for You, and You Shall Remain Silent”
On the seventh day of Passover, we celebrate the salvation of the people of Israel from the hands of the Egyptians by the splitting of the Red Sea. Faith is what worked for the people at the shores of the Red Sea, and faith is what still works for the Jewish people today.
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Passover I 5772-2012
“Optimism and Faithfulness”
The message of Passover is the message of Springtime, of optimism and redemption. While we celebrate our salvation by the Al-mighty, we must remember the challenges that our people endured and continue to endure today. We must step forward to show our own personal goodness and, by extension, the extraordinary goodness of our faith and our tradition.
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Tzav 5772-2012
“Spiritual Movements in the Life of a Jew”
In this week’s parasha we learn of the waving of parts of the peace offering sacrifice. The Lubavitcher Rebbe suggests that this waving has much to do with the spiritual movements in the life of a Jew.
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Vayikra 5772-2012
“Pass the Salt, Please!”
In parashat Vayikra we learn of the obligation of placing salt on all sacrificial offerings, including all animal, wheat and wine offerings. What is the purpose and function of this ritual?
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Vayakhel-Pekudei 5772-2012
“A United People Build the Tabernacle”
What were the special qualities of the Mishkan (Tabernacle), which ensured its durability, that were not found in the permanent Temples of Jerusalem?
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Kee Tisah 5772-2012
"The Preeminence of Shabbat"
Smack in the middle of the Torah portions dealing extensively with the building of the Tabernacle, the Torah boldly exhorts the people to observe the Sabbath day. What is the relationship between Shabbat and the building of the Temple and Tabernacle?
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Tetzaveh 5772-2012
"Where is Moses?"
Since the entire design and execution of the Tabernacle was done under the supervision of Moses, it is particularly surprising that the name of Moses does not appear, even once, in parashat Tetzaveh.
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Terumah 5772-2012
"The Outer Altar"
Although we have no Temple or Tabernacle today, the powerful symbolism of the Tabernacle furnishings lives on. We must continue to study the details and nuances of the outer altar and of the entire Tabernacle, because their lessons are eternally and profoundly relevant.
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