Eikev 5774-2014
“No Reason to Glory!”
In parashat Eikev, the Torah warns the People of Israel not to glory in the success of their battles or their economic success. It is a most relevant message for contemporary times.
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Va’etchanan 5774-2014
“The Prediction of Return”
The Torah, in parashat Va’etchanan, predicts that massive numbers of Jews in exile will return to traditional Jewish practice. Is that happening today?
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Devarim 5774-2014
“Moses: The Lonely Leader”
According to the Gaon of Vilna, the connection between the challenge of leadership for Moses and the period of mourning for the destruction of the Temples in Jerusalem is not only how these hardships came to be, but also the loneliness that both Moses and the city of Jerusalem experienced.
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Masei 5774-2014
“On the Road: The Lessons of Hindsight”
We need to carefully heed the lessons of the ancient Israelites who “traveled” and “encamped” for 40 years in the wilderness, and benefit from the incredible opportunity that hindsight provides.
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Matot 5774-2014
“Hakarat HaTov: Expressing Appreciation”
It is important to express gratitude for all the myriad kindnesses that are bestowed upon us. It is a lesson that Moses apparently learned well.
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Pinchas 5774-2014
“The Battle for Women’s Rights”
Especially among those who have limited familiarity with the original scriptural sources, it is often perceived that women are regarded by Jewish tradition as being submissive and subservient to men, eager to fulfill the men’s will. Rabbi Yaakov Philber shows that this is a thoroughly incorrect perception.
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Balak 5774-2014
“Upstaged by a Donkey”
What are the lessons to be learned from Balaam’s extraordinary confrontation with his own donkey?
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Chukat 5774-2014
“The Inscrutable Statutes”
The rules and rituals of the Red Heifer represent a model of a “chok,” a Divine statute that seems to have no rhyme or reason. It teaches an important lesson for a person of true faith.
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Korach 5774-2014
“Aaron Stops the Plague”
Why does Aaron, the High Priest, risk his life to save many thousands of rebellious and undeserving Israelites, by using the firepans and incense to stop the Angel of Death from destroying the unworthy people?
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Shelach 5774-2014
“Do Not Follow After the Desires of Your Heart and Eyes”
The Torah in parashat Shelach conveys a cogent and relevant message for our times. Despite the important values of open-mindedness and freedom of expression, for our own survival, humankind must be taught that there are limits. We must not simply pursue the unchecked desires of our hearts and eyes that lead us astray, and often result in the destruction of the fabric of society.
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B’ha’a’lot’cha 5774-2014
“The Difference Between Moses and the Other Prophets”
When the Al-mighty rebuked Miriam and Aaron for speaking against their brother Moses, He says: “Not so is My servant, Moses!” affirming that the special prophetic stature of Moses is in a class by itself, and far superior to all other prophets.
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Naso 5774-2014
“The Gift that Keeps On Giving”
It is often maintained that a civilization is measured by how it treats its weakest members. The Divine system of accountability for caring for the needy and the defenseless is boldly enunciated in a seemingly “innocuous” group of verses in parashat Naso.
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Bamidbar 5774-2014
“Counting the Jews, Again!”
For the third time in a little over a year, the Al-mighty commands that a census be taken of the Jewish People. Why the frequency, and for what purpose?
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Bechukotai 5774-2014
“The Role of Exile in Jewish Theology”
What is the purpose of exile and what role does exile play in Jewish history?
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Behar 5774-2014
“So That Your Brother May Live With You”
The verse in Leviticus 25:36, “That your brother may live with you,” plays a key role in one of the most famous Talmudic discussions.
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Emor 5774-2014
“The Sadducees and the Counting of the Omer”
One of the best known and most formidable disagreements between the Sadducees (the literalists) and Pharisees (the traditionalists) during the final years of the Second Temple concerned the counting of the Omer.
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Kedoshim 5774-2014
“The Prohibition of Taking Revenge”
While it may be part of human nature to seek revenge, the Torah forbids acting on the desire for revenge, or to even bear a grudge.
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Passover 5774-2014
“The Opening Act”
The wise authors of the Hagaddah knew well that if the reader’s or participant’s attention is not captured in the first few moments of the Seder ritual, then the likelihood of success is much diminished. That is why they created a natural, dramatic opening for the Seder, one that has had repeated success for more than two thousand years.
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Acharei Mot 5774-2014
“Prelude to Holiness”
While all agree that the goal of the Torah is to foster a Jewish Kingdom of Priests and a Holy Nation, there is much heated discussion concerning the extent to which one must go to avoid “contamination” from the outside environment.
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Metzorah 5774-2014
“The Peddler and Evil Speech”
A well known Midrash tells of an encounter between the Talmudic scholar, Rabbi Yannai, and a peddler who taught the sage much about the importance of proper speech and the serious transgression of wanton, hurtful speech.
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Tazria 5774-2014
“The Jewish Attitude Toward Healing and Medicine”
Although Jews have always played a prominent role in medicine and in the development of healing, the Bible’s attitude toward medicine and healing appears to be somewhat restrained, perhaps even ambivalent.
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Shemini 5774-2014
“This is What the L-rd Meant When He Said”
What did Moses mean when he began his words of condolence to his bereaved brother, Aaron, with the enigmatic phrase, “Of this did the L-rd speak, saying.”
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Tzav 5774-2014
“The Perpetual Fire”
There is only one place for the fire of Torah. It is to be found in the perpetual flame that burned continuously on the Earthen Altar. It is from there that one must kindle all the other fires in the Sanctuary.
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Vayikra 5774-2014
“The Essence of Sacrifice”
Rabbi Ben-Zion Firer argues that the primary purpose of the rituals of animal sacrifice is to prevent future sinful actions, rather than atone for past trespasses.
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Pekudei 5774-2014
“Moses Retires from Center Stage”
Despite the superhuman efforts invested by Moses in the construction of the Tabernacle, Moses himself is prevented from entering the Tabernacle when the Divine cloud hovered over the Sanctuary.
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Vayakhel 5774-2014
“Lip Service is Hardly Enough”
The Torah commentators point to the subtle but profound differences between the charitable giving of the People of Israel to the Golden Calf and their donations of varied materials that were used to build the Tabernacle.
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Kee Tisah 5774-2014
“Moses Argues with G-d to Save the Jewish People from Destruction”
Moses’ argument with G-d to forgive the people for the sin of the Golden Calf serves as a paradigm for future petitions of the Al-mighty to forgive the sins of His people.
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Tetzaveh 5774-2014
“The Choshen–the Breastplate of the High Priest”
The twelve precious stones of the Ephod, represented the unique qualities of each of the twelve tribes.
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Terumah 5774-2014
“The Shulchan--Much More Than Just a Table”
The “Shulchan”–the Table of Showbread, one of the central furnishings in the Tabernacle and the Temple, was much more than just a table.
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Mishpatim 5774-2014
“Oh’na’ah–Taking Unfair Advantage of the Weak”
אונאה, the injunction not to take unfair advantage of the weak is one of the many basic revolutionary contributions that the Torah makes to moral and ethical living, which is found in Parashat Mishpatim.
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