Kee Tavo 5775-2015
“Making The Final Commitment”
While encouraging the People of Israel to make the final commitment to the Al-mighty, Moses conveyed an important message to the people that is still relevant in our time, and can prove useful in our own lives.
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Kee Teitzei 5775-2015
“When a Brother Dies Childless”
In parashat Kee Teitzei we learn of the law of the levirate marriage, requiring the surviving brother to betroth his brother’s widow. The laws of terminating that obligation are also taught.
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Shoftim 5775-2015
“Idolatrous Trees and Unqualified Judges”
The Torah forbids planting a forbidden tree or erecting a forbidden pillar near a house of worship. The sages of the Talmud suggest that one who appoints an unqualified judge is tantamount to one who plants an idolatrous tree.
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Re’eh 5775-2015
“The Prohibition of Eating the Limb of a Live Animal”
Thousands of years before the idea of not causing undue pain to animals was introduced to the Western world, the Torah warned Jews, and even non-Jews, about eating a limb torn from a living animal because of the exceeding cruelty involved.
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Eikev 5775-2015
“‘D’vay’kut’--Bonding with the Al-mighty”
“D’vay’kut,” bonding with G-d, is often thought of as being an exceedingly mystical and esoteric concept, far from the reach of the common folk. Yet it is achievable to those who are willing to emulate G-d’s deeds, embrace the sages and scholars, and heed the message of the Divine in sacred music.
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Va’etchanan 5775-2015
“Do Not Add...and Do Not Detract”
There are many unusual aspects to the fascinating and complex mitzvot of not adding and not detracting from the words of the Torah.
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Devarim 5775-2015
“Looking Through the Pain, Toward a Bright Future”
Despite having endured more than forty years of hardship and struggle, and having every reason to be angry and bitter, Moses, nevertheless, conveys an inspiring message of hope to the new and future generations of Israel.
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Matot-Masei 5775-2015
“The Noble Calling of the Levites: Serving as an Exemplar for the Jewish People”
How is it possible that the descendants of Levi, the murderous and violent son of Jacob, were chosen to serve as role models for all the tribes of Israel?
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Pinchas 5775-2015
“Learning by Example”
Role models can serve as sources of inspiration, for both good and evil. The zealous actions of Pinchas can be traced back to the heroic actions of his grandfather Aaron.
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Balak 5775-2015
“Uncovering the ‘Layers’ in the Biblical Narrative”
Students of the Bible need to be keenly aware of the different levels of study and the subtle messages, as they read the words of scripture.
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Chukat 5775-2015
“Accepting the Inscrutable”
There appears to be an intriguing connection between parashat Chukat and the burning of the Talmud in Paris in 1242 by King Louis IX.
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Korach 5775-2015
“The Devastating Impact of Dispute”
Why is the dispute of Korach any worse than the other three rebellious outbreaks of the people, the Golden Calf, the Murmurers and the spies? Each one of these was an affront to G-d’s dignity, yet the Al-mighty forgave the people.
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Shelach 5775-2015
“The Sin of the Spies--Revisited”
The Baal HaTanya suggests that the sin of the scouts was due to their desire to live in a false utopian world of total spirituality, in the full embrace of the Al-mighty, rather than to have to engage in the real world where they would earn their bread by the sweat of their brow.
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B’ha’a’lot’cha 5775-2015
“Hubris Revisited”
Despite reaching the highest level of spirituality, Aaron, the High Priest of Israel, did not allow success to go to his head, remaining the same modest person that he was before his distinguished appointment to the High Priesthood.
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Naso 5775-2015
“The Fine Nuances of Jealousy”
Even negative attributes, such as jealousy, have their redeeming moments.
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Bamidbar 5775-2015
“Finding Value in Every Task”
The Torah and the commentators note that every Levite had a specific task in the Tabernacle. Apparently, it was necessary to convince the Levites who served in the Temple, that each task was of great importance. It is an important lesson that we today would do well to appreciate.
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Behar-Bechukotai 5775-2015
“The Odd Conclusion to the Book of Leviticus”
Rabbi Dr. Hayyim Angel asks why the book of Leviticus ends with the Tochacha, G-d’s fearsome reproof of the Jewish people, and is followed by a series of instructions regarding the redemption of vows and tithes.
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Emor 5775-2015
“Distractions, Distractions!”
Just as the ancient priests were bidden to singularly focus on their work in the Sanctuary, so too must all Jews today endeavor to focus on our peoples’ mission to become a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.
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Acharei Mot-Kedoshim 5775-2015
Having Thoughts About False Gods
The Torah strongly prohibits not only worshiping idols, but even giving credence to their existence. This seems to go against the broad perception of Judaism as an open-minded faith, that encourages intellectual inquiry.
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Tazria-Metzorah-Yom Ha’atzmaut 5775-2015
“Finding the Silver Lining”
The ancient biblical affliction--Tzaraat, seems to convey the message that affliction and disease can at times be redemptive.
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Shemini-Yom HaShoah 5775-2015
“Yom HaShoah: Six Million–Minus One”
More than twenty years ago, Avi London wrote about being miraculously reunited with his long-lost sister who had been separated from her family for 50 years when she was a child in Nazi-occupied Poland.
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Passover II 5775-2015
“The Final Days: Expressing Gratitude”
The final days of Passover celebrate the Israelites’ miraculous crossing of the sea. These festival days are meant to remind us that every Jew must strive to relive the miracle of the splitting of the sea every day, and express a full sense of gratitude to the Al-mighty.
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Passover 5775-2015
“Learning to Revere G-d”
The Bet HaLevi explains why the Israelites gained a sense of “Yir’aht Shamayim,” reverence for Heaven, only when they saw the Egyptians drown at the sea, and not earlier when they beheld the Ten Plagues that struck the Egyptians in Egypt.
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Tzav 5775-2015
“When Performing a Mitzvah Comes at a Significant Personal Cost”
The priests of old were profoundly challenged when they worked in the Tabernacle and Temple, since their service resulted in a significant loss of personal income.
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Vayikra 5775-2015
“The Primacy of Independent Thinking”
From the example of the sin offering brought by the leaders of Israel who issue a mistaken ruling, we learn of the primacy of independent thinking in Jewish life.
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Vayakhel-Pekudei 5775-2015
“Bringing Heaven Down To Earth”
The Biblical narrative describing the final erecting of the Tabernacle teaches that human beings can indeed build an earthly dwelling place for the Divine Presence, and they can even bring the Divine Presence down to earth.
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Kee Tisah 5775-2015
“Aaron, What Did This People Do To You?”
The biblical narrative seems to portray Aaron as a collaborator with the people of Israel in the sinful worship of the Golden Calf. Actually, Moses and Aaron play a very delicate balancing act of leadership in order to prevent the people from total destruction for their wayward ways.
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Tetzaveh 5775-2015
“The High Priest Wears the Names of Israel on His Heart”
The commentators suggest that while the priestly vestments serve to identify a priest, they also represent important ideas and messages that are reflected in the garments and have bearing on the priests’ actions and duties.
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Terumah 5775-2015
“The Sanctity of the Synagogue”
The great devotion that was required when building the Mishkan, the Tabernacle, and, in later years, the construction of the Beit Hamikdash, the holy Temples in Jerusalem, applies also to the sanctity of contemporary synagogues and houses of study.
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Mishpatim 5775-2015
“Injuring a Fellow Human Being”
In parashat Mishpatim the Torah introduces the fundamental rules regarding instances of personal injury. In many instances, these ancient rules are practiced today and form the basis of jurisprudence in many contemporary legal systems.
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