B’shalach 5778-2018
“The Exalted Spirituality of Miriam the Prophetess”
The sister of Moses rose to great spiritual heights at the Red Sea. Her impact on the women seems to have been even greater than Moses’ impact on the men.
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Bo 5778-2018
“Deceptions at the Behest of G-d”
The Exodus of the Israelites from Egypt is looked upon by all as a universal paradigm of the struggle for freedom from oppression. Yet it is punctuated by several instances of deception on the part of the Israelites and, it was all done at the behest of the Al-mighty G-d.
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Va’eira 5778-2018
“Participating in the Communal Pain”
The names of the sons of Levi reflect the fact that the tribe of Levi felt the communal pain for all the tribes of Israel, even though they themselves were not personally afflicted.
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Shemot 5778-2017
“The Missing Years in the Life of Moses”
According to most calculations, Moses, the Egyptian prince, was only 20 years old when he was accused of killing an Egyptian and was forced to flee the land of Egypt. He does not return to Egypt until age 80. What happened during the intervening 60 years?
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Vayechi 5778-2017
“Blessing the Children--Revisited”
One of the most meaningful and powerful rituals in Judaism--blessing the children on Friday nights and Jewish holidays, is derived from Jacob’s blessing of Joseph’s sons, Ephraim and Menashe, found in parashat Vayechi.
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Vayigash 5778-2017
“Jacob’s Enhanced Joy from Joseph His Righteous Son”
Jacob’s reunion with his beloved son Joseph, after a separation of 22 years, was enhanced by the knowledge that Joseph had remained true to his faith during that long separation from his family.
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Mikeitz 5778-2017
“Returning the Stolen Goblet to Joseph”
Returning the stolen goblet to Joseph raises many fascinating Jewish legal questions regarding returning lost and stolen objects to non-Jews.
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Vayeishev 5778-2017
“The Jealousy Between Brothers”
Why did Jacob favor Joseph, after all, Benjamin was his youngest son? Why was it necessary for Jacob to send Benjamin to Egypt, after all, the prophecy of going down to Egypt had been mostly fulfilled?
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Vayishlach 5778-2017
“The Tragic Death of Mother Rachel”
While the Torah does not provide a single reason for the Matriarch Rachel passing away at the young age of 36, the commentators suggest a host of answers for her tragic premature demise.
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Vayeitzei 5778-2017
“Three Wells ”
Wells play an important role in the Torah and in Judaism. It is interesting to contrast the well of Jacob, with the wells of Eliezer and Moses in Midian.
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Toledot 5778-2017
“Isaac’s Unconditional Love for Esau”
Isaac’s unconditional love for his prodigal son, Esau, serves as a model for all parents, and the inevitable challenges faced in childrearing.
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Chayei Sarah 5778-2017
“Who is Eliezer the Damascan?”
Eliezer, the Damascan slave of Abraham, plays a key role in determining the destiny of Abraham’s progeny. His actions resonate to this very day.
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Vayeira 5778-2017
“The Alliance with Abimelech”
The alliance that Abraham made in ancient times with Abimelech, King of Gerar, reverberates profoundly throughout Jewish history and in modern times as well.
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Lech Lecha 5778-2017
“The Beautiful, Barren Matriarchs”
All four matriarchs were both beautiful and barren. The commentators wrestle with the reason for these blessings and challenges.
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Noah 5778-2017
“Rebuilding the World Through the Children of Noah”
Parashat Noah is not only about the Flood in Noah’s time, but also about the history and development of humanity following the Flood.
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Bereshith 5778-2017
“The Torah Promotes the Work Ethic”
The work ethic and our willingness to invest sincere effort into the principles we cherish is communicated to humanity in the very first parasha of the Torah. Rewards in this world are only as great as the effort we invest.
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Sukkot 5778-2017
“Jewish Unity and the Festival of Sukkot”
Sukkot is not only a festival of joy. It is a joyous festival because it is a time of unity for the People of Israel.
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Yom Kippur 5778-2017
“Forgiveness Before Sin”
The Midrashic tradition records a dispute regarding Yom Kippur. Was Yom Kippur established to help the People of Israel gain atonement for the sin of The Golden Calf, or was it given by G-d even before that grievous sin?
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Rosh Hashana-Ha’azinu 5778-2017
“The Blame Game”
Life today, as in biblical times, is filled with blaming others for our own shortcomings. The High Holidays present us with a particularly propitious opportunity to correct that behavior by consciously acknowledging our own shortcomings.
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Nitzavim-Vayeilech 5777-2017
“Inspiring the Next Generation”
The ritual of הַקְהֵל--“Hak’hel,” which takes place in Jerusalem on the festival of Sukkot every seven years, is an unprecedented national educational celebration that is meant to inspire future generations of Jews to live committed Jewish lives.
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Kee Tavo 5777-2017
“The Choice Parts to G-d”
From the Bikkurim, the gift of the first-born fruits brought to the Temple, we learn that everything done for the sake of Heaven needs to be done in the most beautiful and elegant manner.
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Kee Teitzei 5777-2017
“Lessons from the Wayward Son”
The laws of the rebellious child have much to teach the members of the gluttonous society in which we live.
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Shoftim 5777-2017
“Judaism and the Principle of the Sanctity of Human Life”
The principle of the sanctity of life, a foremost principle in Judaism, is highlighted on multiple occasions in parashat Shoftim.
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Re’eh 5777-2017
“Coming to Jerusalem–-The Festival Pilgrimages”
The sages maintain that the Torah’s requirement for the Children of Israel to come to Jerusalem to celebrate the three pilgrim festivals, Passover, Shavuot and Sukkot, is meant to serve as far more than mere communal celebrations.
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Eikev 5777-2017
“Stages of Religious Growth”
Moses presents the people an educational and spiritual “journey” of spiritual growth, from reverence of G-d, to loving Him, and, ultimately, uniting one’s soul with the sanctity of G-d’s Divine Presence.
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Va’etchanan 5777-2017
“The Power of Prayer”
Moses’ prayers were able to make the heavens tremble, but there is nothing more powerful than the prayers that emanate from a broken heart.
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Devarim 5777-2017
“The Transformation of Moses is Completed”
The book of Deuteronomy confirms that the transformation of Moses is now complete. The man who said, ”I am not a man of words,” the man who asked, “Did I conceive this entire people, did I give birth to it?,” eventually became the great orator and the thoroughly devoted nursemaid of his people.
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Matot-Masei 5777-2017
“Vows and Oaths”
As a unique gift from G-d to humankind, the endowment of speech must be fiercely guarded and used correctly. It is perhaps the most powerful tool in the human repository to bring goodness and blessing to the world.
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Pinchas 5777-2017
"Pinchas and King David"
While both Pinchas and King David killed in the name of G-d to bring sanctity into G-d’s world, only Pinchas was rewarded immediately with the eternal covenant of the priesthood. King David, on the other hand, was denied the right to build the Temple in Jerusalem.
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Balak 5777-2017
“Influencing the Will of G-d”
Balaam seems to be able to influence G-d’s will. Despite G-d’s initial decision not to allow him to go with Balak to curse the Jews, he is eventually allowed to go.
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