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Be Strong!
For many readers, completing a book leaves one with a variety of feelings.…
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What Torah Are You Studying?
Torah study should be a daily companion to each and every Jew. Identify…
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Jewish Buckeyes
In 1817, when a pioneering watchmaker, Joseph Jonas, settled in Cincinnati,…
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Learn the Jewish History of Ohio
Before you travel to, or through, Ohio, learn its rich Jewish history.
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On this “Brisket Day,” celebrated annually on May 28th, it behooves Jews to…
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Kosher Supervisory Agencies
With the advances of technology and the proliferation of kosher consumers,…
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The Flying Rabbi
On October 24, 2011, a memorial to the Jewish chaplains of the United…
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Remember the Sacrifice
In addition to the commercial and seasonal associations with Memorial Day,…
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Take A Sabbatical
It is interesting that the two most common professions which offer…
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Recharge Your Spiritual Batteries
What do you do to make sure your spiritual connections remain strong?…
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Bows and Arrows
Today, Lag Ba'omer, the 33rd day of the counting of the Omer, is…
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Appreciate Freedom of Religion
The custom to play with bows and arrows on Lag Ba’omer parallels that of…
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Lag Ba’omer
The period of mourning* (for the 24,000 students of Rabbi Akiva who died of…
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Happy Birthday Birkat Hamazon!
The Torah (Exodus 16:1) reports that the Children of Israel arrived at the…
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Help Feed the Hungry
When eating and reciting Birkat Hamazon, think of those who do not have…
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The Second Passover
On the first anniversary of the Exodus from Egypt, the Children of Israel…
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Second Chances
Although Pesach Sheni was observed yesterday, any day is a great…
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Don’t Shame The Name
The concept of “Chilul Hashem,” desecration of God’s name, is…
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Live Knowing People See You as a Jew
Live your life knowing that during every moment, others will see your…
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Israeli-German Relations
On the 11th of Iyar, 1965, corresponding to May 13, Israel officially…
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Money Can’t Buy Everything
While money can purchase a great deal, pride, morals, faith and repentance…
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Jews and Chocolate Chips
Happy National Chocolate Chip Day, not to be confused with National…
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Check Ingredients
Make sure the food you serve with meat has no dairy ingredients.
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The Erev Shabbat Israeli Declaration of Independence
Israeli independence is celebrated on the Hebrew date of the 5th of Iyar,…
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Erev Shabbat
In order to observe Shabbat, one must make the preparatory arrangements on…
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Good Fences Make Good Neighbors?
The term “ghetto” has a sad connotation in Jewish history and a very…
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Living Among Other Jews
While anti-Semitic forces often mandated Jews to live in ghettos, there…
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Tripping the Vision Impaired
Parashat Kedoshim contains a total of 51 mitzvot. One of those mitzvot…
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Sensitivity to Those with Disabilities
Isaac was vision-impaired, Jacob walked with a limp and Moses had a speech…
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