Jewish Treats
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Proudly Assert Your Jewishness
At times, even in public, we are called to stand up as Jews.
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Is Chanukah Really Eight Days?
Today is the eighth day of Chanukah, known as “Zot Chanukah,” a reference…
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Celebrate Chanukah’s Last Day
Celebrate Chanukah today since the next day of Chanukah is a year away.
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Spin the Dreidel
I have a little dreidelI made it out of clayAnd when it’s dry and…
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Kosher Gambling
Plan a good and competitive game of dreidel in honor of Chanukah.
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Rock of Ages
“Rock of Ages let our song / Praise thy saving power / Thou amidst the…
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Delve into the Stanzas of Maoz Tzur
Study about the various exiles that are described in the famous Chanukah…
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The Sino-Jewish Axis
During Associate U.S. Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan’s 2010 confirmation…
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Support Kosher Chinese!
If you seek to eat at a Chinese Restaurant, support one that strictly…
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These Lights We Kindle
While the mitzvah of lighting the menorah is an outward-focused mitzvah -…
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Publicize the Miracle of Chanukah
Identify effective ways to publicize the miracles associated with Chanukah,…
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A Maccabee’s Who’s Who
Mattityahu (Mattathias): A High Priest descended from the Hasmonean…
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Learn about the Maccabees!
Studying about the protagonists through whom God performed miracles,…
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Chanukah Blessings
The Jewish people have said this prayer daily for thousands of years. On…
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Schedule Chanukah Candle Lighting
Identify the ideal time tonight to light candles in your city, and make…
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Chanukah: What’s the Mitzvah
Here's a quiz:What is the primary mitzvah of Chanukah? a) Eating latkes…
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Purchase Wicks, Candles and Oil
Make sure to buy beautiful candles or wicks and oil so your Chanukiah will…
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The Story of Chanukah
Around the year 167 B.C.E., the Syrian-Greek rulers of Judea tried to force…
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Prepare for Upcoming Holidays Spiritually and Intellectually
In addition to spiritual preparations, learning about the history of…
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Eden in the Garden State
The first residents of the current state of New Jersey were Dutchmen from…
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Jewish New Jersey
When traveling, try to learn the Jewish history of the places you plan to…
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The Jewish Holiday A Week before Chanukah
The Mishnah (Rosh Hashana 1:1) declares four calendar dates as…
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Learn About the Contributions of the Hassidic Movement
The Hassidic movement enhanced much of the spirit and soul of Judaism.…
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An Historical Dip
Parashat Vayeshev can certainly be a strong candidate for saddest Torah…
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Commit Daily to Loving One’s Fellow
The antidote to acts of hatred are acts of love.
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Dinah, The Daughter of Jacob
Dinah, the seventh and youngest child of Leah and Jacob, was born the same…
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Study about the Women in the Bible
There are many lessons learned from the women mentioned in the Bible,…
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Reuben, Son of Jacob
Our forefather Jacob’s departing words to his firstborn son were: “Reuben,…
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Honor a First Born
While each individual should not be judged based on family position, there…
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The Best Type of Bagel
December 11th is celebrated as “Have a Bagel Day.” Jewish Treats has…
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