Jewish Treats
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World Sauntering Day
In Jewish life there is great admiration for a character trait known as…
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Prepare Today
Employ z'reezut, deliberate speed, today so you will be able to saunter and…
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Why Were Scouts of the Promised Land Needed?
The most devastating punishment meted out by God in the Torah is described…
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Accurate Reporting
Be sure, when sent on assignment, to report back with an accurate account…
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The Disputation of Paris
The month of June in the year 1240 C.E. was not a good time for the Jews of…
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How Fortunate
Consider how lucky we are today to be able to study the Talmud freely in…
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Making it Transfusable
This past Sunday, June 14, was World Blood Day. Today's Jewish Treats…
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Be Thankful
Consider the wonderful accomplishments of many Jewish researchers in the…
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In Arkansas
Jewish life in Arkansas began in 1825 with the arrival of Abraham Block to…
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Making a Difference
Appreciate the actions taken by individuals and Jewish organizations to…
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Who Lights The Shabbat Candles?
While lighting Shabbat candles is generally considered a "woman's mitzvah,"…
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Add Radiance to your Home!
Learn how to bring peace and radiance into your home tonight by lighting…
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The Jews’ Hospital of New York
Healthcare is a topic that is frequently in the news these days and is a…
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Kosher Food?
If you or a family member require hospital care, make certain to inquire…
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You Say It’s Your Birthday
January, March, June or November (or any of the other months not…
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Plan Ahead
Use your birthday as a time of reflection and also as an opportunity to set…
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Watch Your Language
Once upon a time in American culture, defiant children who uttered certain…
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The Surgery Is Elective
In the late twentieth century, there was, according to anecdotal evidence,…
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Jewish Ramifications?
Consider the Jewish angle when contemplating elective surgery.
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Eat and Save
"Eat your peas! There are children starving in Africa!" "No dessert until…
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Who Was a Nazirite?
One of the topics found in Parashat Naso concerns the Nazirite. The…
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Dig Deeper
Click here to read a fascinating thought from Rabbi Ephraim Buchwald about…
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Book Respect
Because of the centrality of the Torah in Jewish life, the Jewish people…
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Show Reverence
Place your Jewish books in a central bookcase so it will be clear how much…
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The Great Sanhedrin
In ancient times, the court system of Israel was dominated by two forms of…
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Choose the Right Forum
Although there is no Great Sanhedrin today, there are Batei Din, local…
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Keeping Those Hands Clean
Hand-washing is currently a hot topic due to COVID-19. Since Jewish law…
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