Jewish Treats
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Opportunities Before Our Eyes
Be conscious of the many daily opportunities to perform good deeds and…
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The Battle of Kibbutz Yad Mordechai
At the time of the Declaration of the State of Israel (May 14, 1948),…
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Kibbutz Heros
Recognize the heroism of the members of Kibbutz Yad Mordechai who defended…
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Do you Shukle?
If you’ve ever watched a traditional prayer minyan (quorum), or even just…
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Establish Your Place
Whether in synagogue or at home, establish a place where you will be able…
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A Sephardi Gaon
Because of the dedication of Rabbi Ezra Attiya (1885-1969), known as a…
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Study and Grow
Emulate the great Sephardi Torah scholar, Rabbi Ezra Attiyah, and always…
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Bows and Arrows
Today, Lag Ba’Omer, the 33rd day of the counting of the Omer, is a minor…
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Celebrate Freedom
The custom to play with bows and arrows on Lag Ba'Omer parallels that of…
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Lag Ba’Omer
The period of mourning* (for the 24,000 students of Rabbi Akiva who died of…
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Remembering a Tragic Event
Recall the tragic loss of life and the many who were injured at last year's…
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Happy Birthday Birkat Hamazon
The Torah (Exodus 16:1) reports that the Children of Israel arrived at the…
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Remember to Say “Thank You”
When enjoying a meal that includes bread, consider reciting the Birkat…
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Cheer Up The Lonely
The most frequently cited cause for the destruction of the Second Temple is…
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Golden Opportunity
Upon seeing a neighbor outside their home, especially one you do not know…
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The Second Passover
On the first anniversary of the Exodus from Egypt, the Children of Israel…
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Crunch Time
In commemoration of Pesach Sheni, the Second Passover, enjoy some matzah…
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Israeli-German Relations
On May 13, 1965, Israel officially established diplomatic relations with…
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War Reparations
Consider the moral dilemma faced by the State of Israel and its citizens…
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Thank You Nurses
Today, May 12th, is International Nurses Day, and so, Jewish Treats honors…
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Thank You!
On International Nurses Day, remember to thank nurses and other first…
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Berlin’s Hildesheimer Rabbinical Seminary
On May 11, 1820, a child was born in Prussia who would, as a grown man,…
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The Rebirth of a Torah Institution in Berlin
Learn about the reopening of the Hildesheimer Rabbinical Seminary in Berlin…
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Rabbi and Statesman, Rabbi Moses Schorr
Rabbi Moses Schorr was a passionate academic who dedicated most of his…
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Making a Difference
Learn more about Rabbi Moses Schorr, a noted academic who dedicated his…
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First You and Then You
From a broad perspective, the opportunity for all members of a prayer…
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Synagogue Honors
Graciously accept opportunities to participate in synagogue services as an…
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Thank You, Mom
Mother’s Day is a day set aside to show the moms in our lives how much we…
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Do the Right Thing
Make an effort to call and show appreciation for all the mothers in your…
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The Great Rae Landy
National Nurses Week begins each year on May 6th and ends on May 12th,…
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