Jewish Treats
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A History of the Jews of Morocco
Jews have lived in Morocco for thousands of years. Jewish nomadic tribes…
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Compare and Contrast
Study the history of Moroccan Jewry and compare their experiences to those…
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A Diplomat to Romania
In July 1944, it was announced that a new Liberty ship under construction…
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Making a Real Difference!
Learn from the actions of extraordinary Jews of previous generations who…
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Jewish Work in Diabetes
Today is World Diabetes Day. Not so long ago, diabetes was often thought of…
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Healthful and Healthy
Be conscious about how your diet affects your health. Remember, staying…
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The First Advisor on Jewish Affairs
In 1942, after first serving as a rabbi in Buffalo, New York, and then in…
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Show Compassion
Learn from Rabbi Nadich, the first Advisor on Jewish Affairs to the…
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Hail the Holy Pomegranate
The pomegranate is a funny sort of fruit. Rather than eating the flesh and…
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Make sure to say the proper blessing over your National Pomegranate Month…
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Kristallnacht, literally the Night of Crystal, but generally translated as…
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Never Again
Recent inflammatory statements and acts of antisemitism remind us of the…
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Go Vote! It’s an American and Jewish Value!
Voting in free and fair elections is one of the most profound privileges…
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Go Vote!
In addition to engaging in a patriotic and civic act, voting may also help…
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A Poet and A Martyr
Hannah Senesh (Szenes) was born in Budapest, Hungary, to an assimilated,…
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Make sure to recognize the ultimate sacrifice made by Jewish heroes and…
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Rabin Shot
It has been 27 years since Yitzchak Rabin was assassinated on November 4,…
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Our Words Matter
Our words really matter, especially when it comes to controversial topics…
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The Jews of Panama
The history of the Jews in Panama is similar to Jewish history in other…
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Celebrate Our Jewish Distinctiveness
While living in exile among different cultures, we need to be mindful that…
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Name Change
It is not a coincidence that cultures around the world share a belief in…
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What’s in a Name?
If you have a Hebrew name and are not sure why that name was chosen, ask…
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The First Inquisition
Although it was not the first inquisition, the Spanish Inquisition* was…
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Be Grateful
Given the sad history of the Spanish Inquisition and the auto-da-fé…
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His Tricks Were Quite A Treat
It is commonly acknowledged that the magician and escape artist Harry…
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Follow the Artistic Accomplishments of Jewish Performers
Many Jews have been trailblazers in the entertainment industry. Take pride…
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National Hermit Day
Judaism is not known for encouraging asceticism (abstinence from mortal…
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Time for Contemplation
Set aside a few quiet moments each day to appreciate all the goodness that…
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The Jews of Amsterdam
October 27, 1275 is noted as the first time the name “Amsterdam” was…
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Enhance the Experience
Before embarking on a trip to Amsterdam, research its rich Jewish history.
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