Jewish Treats
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Don’t Wake Dad
You receive a telephone call offering you ten million dollars; all you have…
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Father’s Day Every Day
Observe Father's Day every day by honoring your father (and your mother).
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Eat Your Vegetables
In Pirkei Avot (Ethics of the Fathers 3:21), the sages declare that without…
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Don’t Veg Out
Celebrate "eat your vegetable day" by preparing a fun salad for Shabbat.
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Zebulun, Son of Jacob
Throughout her life, Leah suffered from the terrible insecurity of knowing…
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Almost Shabbat
Get ready for Shabbat early by cooking tonight! (Find some great recipes…
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There Might Be Giants
Are there really giants in the world? Actually, giants are frequently…
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Summer’s Coming
Get ready for summer by either teaching a child to swim (or sponsoring…
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The Flags of the Tribes
On June 14, 1777, the Second Continental Congress resolved that: “the flag…
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Wave Your Flag
If you are an American citizen or live in America, proudly display the…
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Which Day Of The Week Were You Born?
Do you know on which day you were born? Not your birthday...which day of…
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The Strength Within
One of the most important lessons Judaism teaches about human personalities…
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A Convert of the Inquisition
The first auto-de-fe (live human burning) of the Spanish Inquisition took…
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An Extra Thanks
This Shabbat, take an extra moment to think about, and be thankful for, the…
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Give Them A Choice
There is an oft-cited Midrash (Sifrei, Dvarim 343) describing how God…
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Study Guide
Print out Jewish Treats' newest eBook on The Ten Commandments to read…
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Green Cheesecake at Midnight?
The holiday of Shavuot has three well-known, and well-loved, customs:…
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Early To Bed
Go to sleep early tonight to prepare for tomorrow's late night study…
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When Bread Isn’t Bread
A question for those who bake and for those who love dessert: What is the…
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Your Own Challah
Try your hand at making challah (click here for a recipe).
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Live Long And Prosper
Every "Trekkie" knows that Spock’s Vulcan salutation is accompanied by a…
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Catch The Blessing
Try to be in synagogue for Birkat Kohanim on Shavuot (Wednesday and…
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The Old City
New York may be the city that never sleeps, but Jerusalem is the “City of…
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The Feast of Weeks
Shavuot, which we begin celebrating next Tuesday night (June 7th), is the…
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Shavuot Plans
Plan ahead for the festival of Shavuot, which begins at sunset on Tuesday,…
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Memorial Day – Frances Slanger
Not many Jewish women have had ships named in their memory, but it is an…
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The Honor of Listening
If you know Jewish war veterans, honor them by listening to their stories.
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Shabbat In The Spring
As spring takes hold of the northern hemisphere, and the hours between…
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Shmooze In The Park
Spending time with friends in the park this Shabbat? Tell them something…
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