Jewish Treats
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Humility’s Gift
Moses’ job of leading the Israelites was not easy. Not only were the people…
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The Soviet Yeshiva
If one were to create a list of the great European learning centers, Moscow…
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Learning Online
Torah learning happens everywhere. Share Jewish Treats with your friends,…
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The Thrace Pogroms
In discussions of World War II and the decade leading up to the war,…
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Ice Cream
On a hot day, choose a kosher brand of ice cream (luckily, most major…
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Jewish Treats would like to thank our readers for all of their comments. In…
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The Jewish Honeymoon?
Where are you going on your honeymoon? Rather than announce an exotic…
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What An Offer
If you know a young couple getting married, offer to arrange Sheva Brachot…
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First On The Court
Born in 1856, in Louisville, Kentucky, Louis Dembitz Brandeis was the child…
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W Tea
Although many Jews were active in the leadership of the Russian Revolution,…
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In Your Store
Find out if your local store carries Wissotzky Tea and try a cup.
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Know What Is Above You
It is human nature to value privacy. This value, probably dates back as far…
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Never Fear
Don't worry about not getting accolades for a good deed; we often forget…
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Twenties and Thirties
In the last decade or so, it has become commonplace for the media to note…
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Take Responsiblity
No matter your age, take responsibility for your actions.
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The Book of Ruth
Ruth was the Moabite wife of Machlon, one of the sons of Elimelech and…
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Two Days of Festival
Leviticus 23:34-36: “On the fifteenth day of the seventh month is the…
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Shavuot Is Almost Here
Get ready for Shavuot with our eBook “Jewish Treats on The Ten…
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The First Ten
If the children of Israel received the Torah at Mount Sinai, why did Moses…
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Preparing for the Torah
Shortly after the Israelites encamped at the base of Mount Sinai, they…
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At Your Synagogue
Call your synagogue today and find out their Shavuot schedule.
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Day Of Distinction
On the first day of Sivan in the year 2448 (Jewish calendar), only seven…
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Give Them A Choice
There is an oft-cited Midrash (Sifrei, Dvarim 343) describing how God…
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For Your Holiday
Get ready for Shavuot with our eBook “Jewish Treats on The Ten…
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Green Cheesecake at Midnight?
The holiday of Shavuot has three well-known, and well-loved, customs:…
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The Feast of Weeks
Shavuot, which we begin celebrating Saturday night (May 26th), is the only…
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The End of the Week
Prepare to celebrate Shavuot at the end of this week. Learn more about the…
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