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Don’t Forget The Challah
Make or buy challah to serve for Shabbat dinner tonight.
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The Three Ts
On Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur we declare: "Repentance, prayer and charity…
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Begin your High Holiday preparation by thinking about the positive changes…
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Forever Fashions
When the Children of Israel left Egypt, they did not expect to be in the…
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Basic Appearances
When choosing what to wear, make certain they respect your self-worth.
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Holiday Greetings
The standard pre-Rosh Hashana greeting of “K’tiva v’chatima tova”("May…
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Your Greetings
Whether by email, regular mail or by telephone, call your friends and…
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Roman Vishniac: Beyond the Photographs
The poignant photographs of the shtetl by Roman…
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To The Talented
If you have an artistic talent, use it to enhance Jewish life.
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The Village of Moses
Immigration scams in which those wishing to emigrate are promised guidance…
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An August Shabbat
Enjoy the summer Shabbat with a long walk, Shabbat dinner on the patio or…
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The Tribe of Dan
As the ancestors of the tribes of Israel, the lives and personalities of…
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Level Head
In the face of adversity, try your best to stay level-headed.
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The Bnei Menashe of India
It is the belief of the Bnei Menashe of Northeastern India that their…
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Smiling Faces
When you meet a fellow Jew, smile and make a personal connection.
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I Am To My Beloved
The Torah verse that epitomizes the emotion of love is: “Anee l’dodi v’dodi…
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Relationship Time
During the month of Elul, work on your relationship with God and with…
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The Original Employee Discount
Those who work in retail are often compensated with a special employee…
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Employee of the Month
Make certain to take the time to recognize and appreciate what your…
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Seeking God In Elul
Psalm 27 is read twice daily from the beginning of the month of Elul…
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Morning Chat
Say a little prayer each morning as a means of spiritual preparation for…
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Better Than A Bullock
In the times of the Temple, the most exalted form of worship was through…
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Your Own Acts
Try to incorporate more “Acts of Righteousness and Justice” in your…
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The Alarm Clock
New beginnings are often difficult. For those who are not “morning people,”…
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Let The Planning Begin
Begin to make plans for the High Holidays: find a location for services,…
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The Jews of Jamaica
As in many countries of the “New World,” the Jewish history of Jamaica…
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Community Strength
If you live in a smaller community, work together with others to ensure the…
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Chapters of Song
While the primary focus of the Shacharit (morning) service is the…
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Say It For Yourself
If you are not involved in formal prayer, or even if you are, sing some…
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On Top of Mount…
Without question, Mount Sinai is the best known mountain in the Bible. In…
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