Jewish Treats
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Recalling Heroic Actions
On a date marking the birth of a hero, it’s important that we all study…
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Hardened Hearts of a Leader
Upon the death of North Korea’s Kim Jong-Il twelve years ago, the press…
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The Foolishness of a Hardened Heart
Learn from the mistakes made by Pharaoh and other tyrants and the futility…
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The Challenge of a Cup of Tea
How do you make a cup of tea? Seems like a silly question, doesn’t it? Tea…
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Enjoy Your Tea
This Shabbat, remember to prepare your tea in an acceptable way from the…
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Blessed Is He Who Makes Strange Creatures
An individual might not think that Jewish Treats would have much to say…
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Think First
By virtue of the fact that there is a blessing “Blessed is He who makes…
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Rights in Connecticut
At the time that Connecticut ratified the U.S. Constitution on January 9,…
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Know Your Jewish History
Appreciate your freedom of religion and the ability to practice Judaism…
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A National Poet
Chaim Nahman Bialik (born January 9, 1873) was an Israeli national icon who…
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Poetic License
Delve into the poetry of Chaim Nahman Bialik to appreciate his writings…
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Adopting Moses
In this week’s Torah portion, Shemot, Pharaoh issues his edict directing…
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True Love
Marvel at the profound impact that adopting parents often have upon the…
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Touching the Equation
Imagine having a passion for mathematics but lacking the language to…
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Extraordinary Achievements
During the month of January, National Braille Literacy Month, learn more…
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Humiliation Day
In an effort to make the calendar more interesting, there are many days on…
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Before We Speak
Let’s remember to stop and think about the ramifications of what we are…
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A Kosher Buffet
While it seems a bit counterintuitive to have a day celebrating abundant…
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Healthy Eating
Eat well-balanced, nutritious meals. Proper nutrition is always an…
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Blood is Life
January has been labeled National Blood Donor Month, making it an ideal…
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Donating Life
If you are healthy, consider donating blood to a blood bank as a means of…
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The Messiah – A Jewish Concept
Because the concept of a Messiah* (Moshiach in Hebrew) is not overtly…
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The Coming of the Messiah
Pray for the coming of the Messiah, speedily in our days. Citing the…
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Natural Born Athlete
In the world of sports, Bobbie Rosenfeld had, what a person might call, the…
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Are You Gifted?
Of course, you are! Everyone is endowed with God-given talent. Parents…
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The Final Analysis
After the soul departs, it journeys to the gates of heaven where it must…
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How Will You Answer
According to the Talmud, when the soul departs and we take leave of this…
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Painting Our People
Born on December 26, 1902, in Rahachow, Belarus (in the Pale of…
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Jewish Boxing Days?
In many countries, especially those associated with the United Kingdom,…
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