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The Book of Lamentations
On Tisha b'Av, the ninth of Av, one of the ways that the Jewish…
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Mourning Thoughts
Spend time today thinking about what it means to mourn the loss of the…
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The Meal Before
While there are several fast days on the Jewish calendar, only two are…
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Tisha B’Av is Tomorrow
The saddest day on the Jewish calendar, the ninth of Av, is tomorrow.The…
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Time Watch
Organize your day to ensure that you have time to eat the Seudah…
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Mourning Jerusalem I: A Brief History of the First Temple
On Tuesday, Jews all over the world will observe the fast of Tisha…
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Mourning Jerusalem II: A Brief History of the Second Temple
The Babylonian Exile that followed the destruction of the First Temple…
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Get Out!
The history of the Jews in Europe can almost be read as a timeline of…
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Shabbat Chazon
This Shabbat is Shabbat Chazon, the Sabbath of the Vision…
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A House Unfinished
The Hebrew name for the Holy Temple is the Beit Hamikdash, the House of…
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A Mark On Your Home
Find a means of creating a constant reminder of the loss of the Holy Temple…
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Thirty Days, The Shloshim
While the seven-day mourning period called shiva is well-known in the…
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The Words Are The Things
In Hebrew, the Book of Deuteronomy is known as Sefer D’varim. Its…
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In The Book
Prepare for Shabbat early in the week by reviewing the first section of the…
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Tragedy Overcome
Originally based in the town of Bobowa in Southern Poland, the Bobover…
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Customs Of
If your family came from a Chassidic background, include some of their…
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It’s Electric
In the early 1900s, rabbinic authorities had to determine exactly what…
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The Music of the Soul
Born in Geneva on July 24, 1880, Ernest Bloch was a world famous Jewish…
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Music of Your Heart
If the mood strikes you, don't hesitate to sing your personal prayers if…
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Tales of The Phoenix
Mythological creatures are generally shrugged off today as figments of…
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One Extra Moment
When working on a project, spend an extra moment to make certain all safety…
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Ishmaelites and Edomites
Judaism, Christianity and Islam are sometimes referred to as the “Abrahamic…
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Learn about history to get a better understanding of the world.
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Shortcut Through Shul
It is a common complaint that our society, always in a hurry, lacks respect…
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Above Scrutiny
“The cobbler’s children have no shoes!” So declares the pithy aphorism…
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Hail to Brotherhood
In the earliest days of humankind, a man named Cain asked God the now…
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