Jewish Treats
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It’s Not A Big Chicken
If there is one thing that is guaranteed to be in supermarkets in November,…
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On This Day
On this day for giving thanks, Jewish Treats thanks you for your…
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The Bird of Thanks
On Thanksgiving day, it is customary in the United States to eat a turkey…
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Saying Thanks
Incorporate Jewish thanks (prayers or Psalms) into your Thanksgiving feast.
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Evacuation Day
In 1863, President Abraham Lincoln called upon the American people to…
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Celebrate Jewish America
As Thanksgiving approaches, be appreciative of the freedoms of the American…
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The Second President
Yitzchak Ben-Zvi, the second President of the State of Israel, was born on…
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World Hello Day
In 1973, Brian and Michael McCormack created World Hello Day as a reaction…
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Greet the Angels
Sing Shalom Aleichem and welcome the angels to your Shabbat…
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Pictures Worth Countless Words
Dawid Szymin, better known by his nickname Chim (or by his Americanized…
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The Spiritual Inheritance
In the Book of Genesis, the question of birthright is the center of several…
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Making Choices
When faced with a choice, try to choose that which will bring you spiritual…
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A Historical Overview of Jews in Morocco
Jews have lived in Morocco for thousands of years. Jewish nomadic tribes…
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Warm All Over
As a way of fulfilling the mitzvah of taking care of oneself, dress warmly…
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Hail the Holy Pomegranate
The Pomegranate is a funny sort of fruit. Rather than eating the flesh and…
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Fill Your Life
Try to fill your life with Torah and mitzvot, just as a pomegranate is…
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Success After Exile
When King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella expelled the Jews from Spain in…
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Shabbat Shmooze
Linger over Shabbat dinner tonight and converse about your favorite aspects…
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Learning Kindness
Today is marked on the calendar as World Kindness Day, a fact that Jewish…
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Um, This Is My Seat
Humans are often creatures of habit. People tend to regularly take the same…
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The First Advisor on Jewish Affairs
In 1942, after first serving as a rabbi in Buffalo, New York, and then in…
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If you know any veterans, ask them to share the history they experienced.
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Prayer’s Essence
According to many opinions, the minimum amount of prayer one should recite…
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All Three
Make a habit of communicating with God via praise, requests and words of…
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If There Are But 10…
While the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah is one of the…
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Time Shift
Remember that for those affected by Daylight Savings Time, Shabbat begins…
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