Jewish Treats
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Make a Real Difference
In honor of Random Acts of Kindness Week (February 11th-17th), make a…
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Our Cherubs
In some stores, the fat little cupids that line the aisles are frequently…
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A Closer Presence
Fostering positive interactions is one way to draw the Divine Presence…
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Radio Man
The World Day of Radio, that is held annually on February 13th, was…
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Torah Tech
Download Jewish apps to enhance your daily Jewish activities, including the…
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Penny Lane
While the well-known adage requests, “A penny for your thoughts,” perhaps…
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Finding Value
Everything, living and inanimate, has inherent worth. Acknowledging and…
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Indirect Damages
“An eye for an eye” as is set forth in this week’s Torah portion, Mishpatim…
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Your Actions Matter
Think before you act. Under both halacha (Jewish law) and civil law, our…
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The Elder of Slabodka
Students who choose to study the history of the development of the…
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Child Rearing Advice
Follow in the footsteps of Rav Nosson Zvi Finkel, known as “Der Alter” of…
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Leap Year
The Gregorian solar calendar used by the Western world, is based on the…
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Something Special
As both tomorrow night, the last night of the month of Shevat, and Friday…
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History for Everyone
Barbara Tuchman (née Wertheim), born January 30, 1912, never earned a…
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Gain an Historical Perspective
Set aside time to read up on world and Jewish history to develop a better…
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Thoughts for the Heart
In honor of American Heart Month, and because caring for your own health is…
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Eat Your Vegetables
Enjoy a hearty salad or vegetable soup packed with vegetables to improve…
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Shabbat Coffee
Do your mornings look something like this? You wake up startled by your…
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Enjoy Shabbat
Learn how to properly prepare coffee on Shabbat so you can relax and enjoy…
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Feeling Fit Focused on Napoleon
Believe it or not, bodybuilding as an international sport, has Jewish…
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Staying Fit
Make sure to care of your physical health by working out and exercising…
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Your Jewish Life Coach
Do you have a life coach? For those unfamiliar with the term, life coaches…
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Your Rabbi
Follow the dictate of Pirkei Avot, Ethics of our Fathers, and find a rabbi…
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The Tribe of Asher
As the forefathers of the tribes of Israel, the lives and personalities of…
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Check Out the Tribe
In the future, when planning a trip, be sure to place on the agenda a visit…
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Jonas Phillips: Living in the Revolution
A few weeks after the signing of the Declaration of Independence, the…
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Be Especially Thankful
As Americans, we should appreciate that we live in a malchut shel chesed, a…
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A Jar of Manna
As discussed in this week’s Torah Portion, parashat B’shalach, while the…
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Everyday Miracles
While the manna that descended from heaven was certainly miraculous,…
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Tu b’Shevat
While it may seem as if winter has just begun, it may be a good time to…
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