Jewish Treats
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Marketing for Shabbat
Shop early so there is time to prepare the Shabbat meal.
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A Shabbat Addition
Feasting on Shabbat is one of the primary ways in which Jews observe the…
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Try These!
In honor of the upcoming Shabbat Across America and Canada (This…
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Food Thanks
Don't forget to express gratitude for all of the food that you eat.
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A Guard of Shabbat
Two primary words of instruction are used in the Torah to command the…
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Being Yotzei
Kiddush, sanctification, is the prayer said over wine through…
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Find Your Menu
Begin your Shabbat preparations early in the week by choosing a menu for…
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A Hero in Hollywood
Like many of the Jews who found success in the early decades of Hollywood…
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Almost There
Spread the word about Shabbat Across America and Canada, this Friday…
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A Master Craftsman
There are people who are born with incredible natural talents - athletes…
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Get Ready!
Get ready for Shabbat Across America and Canada, which takes place…
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The February Strike
February 25th marks the anniversary of the Februaristaking, the 1941…
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If It’s Right
Don't hesitate to join in a movement to stand up for what's right.
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Hands Upon Waking
Everyone has their own particular morning routine. However, whether one has…
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Purim Katan
In a Jewish leap year, a second month of Adar is added to the Jewish…
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Purim’s A Month
Purim is officially one month away. Begin preparing now.
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A Day Celebrating Humility
You probably won’t find “Be Humble Day” listed on most commercial…
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A Multi-Wick Candle
Enter a Judaica shop in search of a Havdalah candle and you might be…
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Time Left
Buy a new havdalah candle before the old one is too small to hold.
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Meaning of an Olive Tree Metaphor
Biblical texts are rife with metaphors, particularly metaphors that are…
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Remember to check basic household staples, like olive oil, for kosher…
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Mathematics Plus
Born in Munich in 1891, Adolf Abraham Halevi Frenkel, a mathematician…
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Special Connection
Explore how your special interests connect to Judaism.
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Until 120!
According to Wikipedia, "The oldest verified person on record was French…
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President William Howard Taft – Friend of the Jews
In honor of Presidents Day, Jewish Treats presents a quick look at the…
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The Beauty of Blue
If you’ve never heard of a chilazon, the creature from which the ancient…
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