Jewish Treats
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What’s in the Book: Joshua
The Book of Joshua (Yehoshua) is the first of the ten books known…
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Cohen, Katz, Kagen
Meet a man named Cohen and it is fair to assume that he is a descendant of…
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A-Hunting We Won’t Go
Ah, Fall. The crisp air, the beautiful foliage and, for those who live in…
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Shabbat of Thanks
Make the celebration of Shabbat an integral part of your Thanksgiving…
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It’s Not A Big Chicken
If there is one thing that is guaranteed to be in supermarkets in November,…
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The Case of the Poisoned Dish
The only narratives included in the Torah are those that help us understand…
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Dive In
Read the Book of Genesis and try to understand the human nature of the…
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Chinese Tiles and Jewish Ladies
It is a well-known joke that Jews have a particular affinity for Chinese…
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Generational Listening
Spend time with older relatives and listen to their stories of Jewish life…
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Taking a Stand in North Carolina
In honor of North Carolina’s ratification of the United States Constitution…
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Speech of Jacob Henry
Though I will not conceal the surprise I felt, that the gentleman should…
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Chastisement with Love
“Reprove a wise man, and he will love you” (Proverbs 9:8). Not too many…
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Absorb It
When someone offers you constructive criticism, try not to be defensive.
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Philosophical Dialogue
Spain in the early Middle Ages was a breeding ground for philosophers. As…
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Read It
If you enjoy philosophical texts, make sure to include Jewish philosophical…
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A Song to the Eternal
Not only is Adon Olam one of the most well-known Jewish prayers, but it is…
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Prayers in Song
Don't hesitate to pray with song if it helps you to connect to the…
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A Crime of Stalin
In 1981, PEN International (an organization of poets, essayists and…
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The Value Of
It is easy to be judgmental. Some might say that being judgmental is a…
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A Late Acknowledged Hero
In honor of Veterans Day, Jewish Treats presents a brief biography of Tibor…
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The Clock Says
Don't forget that Shabbat begins an hour earlier this week!
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Name Change
It is not a coincidence that cultures around the world share a belief in…
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Names for Prayers
If someone you know is ill, ask them for their Hebrew name (and their…
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The Fall of the Wall
Today, November 9, is marked on some calendars as World Freedom Day in…
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