Jewish Treats
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How Now, Red Cow
Every year, on the first or second Shabbat following Purim, a special…
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An Advocate for Mothers
In honor of Women’s History Month, Jewish Treats presents a brief biography…
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Family Assistance
Offer to help out a family after the birth of a child.
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Check Out The Horns
Have you ever heard the idea that Jews have horns on their head? It is one…
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An Imperfect Measure
Building requires many measurements, and the numerous building projects…
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Inspiring Awe
Study science with an eye toward the amazing way in which the world was…
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Purim, Again?
Unique to the Jewish calendar, Purim is actually observed on different days…
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Bye Candy
Donate unwanted Purim left overs to an organization that works with…
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The Purim Story in Under 300 Words
At the end of a 180-day feast, the King of Persia-Medea, Achashverosh,…
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The Sabbath of Remembering
This Shabbat is Shabbat Parashat Zachor, the Sabbath of Remembering.…
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Counting Shabbat
“And the maiden [Esther] pleased him, and she obtained kindness of him; and…
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Don’t Miss It
Don't miss this week's Saturday night Megillah reading (after which you can…
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Let’s Hear Your Shpiel
Traditional Jewish life is rarely associated with theater or satire, but…
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Who Was Achashverosh
“Now it came to pass in the days of Ahasuerus--this is Ahasuerus who…
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A Heartfelt Smile
Remember that something as simple as a smile can change the mood of…
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The Fast of Esther
"Go, gather together all the Jews that are present in Shushan, and fast for…
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Her Other Name
Do you have a Hebrew name that’s different than your legal name? The custom…
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Costume Time
Those who first hear about the custom of wearing Purim costumes might…
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Purim’s Villainess
Anyone familiar with the basic Purim story knows that the primary…
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Dressed Up
If you decide to wear a costume, choose one that reflects the dignity of…
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The Four Mitzvot of Purim
This year, Purim will be celebrated on Sunday, March 12th (beginning…
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The Whole Megillah
Whether it’s a long-winded tale, or a story overloaded with details--it’s…
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All Four
Make arrangements for the proper fulfilment of each of the mitzvot of…
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Haman’s History
According to the narrative in the Book of Esther, Haman’s plot to destroy…
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History of Hamantashen
If you are active on Jewish social media, whether on Facebook, Twitter,…
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