Jewish Treats
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Share It
When you share the information you learn from Jewish Treats, take…
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Strings of Red
Do an online search for the terms “red string” and “Judaism” and you will…
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Ask For It
Never hesitate to ask God for the things in life that you want, but…
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Fighting Against
In honor of Yom Hashoah, Holocaust Memorial Day, Jewish Treats looks at…
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Yom Hashoah, Holocaust Memorial Day
Today, the 28th* of Nisan, Jews around the world are marking Yom…
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The Jewish nation has a long historical memory. Jewish history is replete…
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Act on It
From sundown tonight until tomorrow night, make a conscious decision to…
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A Place For the Artists
Marcel Janco, who passed away on April 21, 1984, is best known as one of…
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Beautiful Shabbat
This Shabbat, take the time to enjoy the beauty of the world around you.
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Legal to Take?
With all the discussion, in the last few years, about the legalization of…
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All Things in Moderation
Remember that moderation is key to a balanced life.
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What Not To Buy
The joyous holiday of Passover is now over. While one’s instinct might be…
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Seven Days To The Sea
The Passover celebration lasts seven days (eight days, outside of Israel.…
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Jews rejoice on Passover to celebrate their redemption from slavery in…
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Holiday Greetings
NJOP and Jewish Treats wish all of their friends and followers a happy…
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Song of Songs
"Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth, for your love is better than…
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Chag Ha’matzot
The name of the holiday “Passover,” is an allusion to God’s passing over…
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Healty Choices
Passover is a great time to increase the vegetables in your diet.
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Can You Count to 49
There is a commandment (Leviticus 23:15) to count the 49 days that…
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Passover Story in Brief
On Passover, we commemorate the exodus from Egyptian slavery. The…
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Calendar Count
Mark a calendar to help you keep track of counting the omer.
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Biur – Burning
The night before the Passover seder, the home is thoroughly searched for…
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Fast of the Firstborn
There has always been a lot of pressure on firstborn children, as they were…
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The Search For Chametz
On Passover, Jews are commanded to get rid of all "chametz" (leaven) which…
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The Great Shabbat
The Shabbat immediately preceding Passover is known as Shabbat…
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Your Search
Schedule time on Sunday night (after dark) to fulfill the mitzvah of…
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