Jewish Treats
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A Name Full of Promise
The best-known Hebrew name of God is spelled Yud - Hey - Vuv - Hey. It is a…
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Eternal Contemplation
As you celebrate Shabbat, contemplate the eternity of God and the…
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Stories from Safed
The city of Safed in the northern Galilee is one of Israel’s most popular…
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Purims Plus in Tripoli
Throughout history, Jews have faced times of peril, and when the times of…
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Local Time
Participate in local celebrations and demonstrate Jewish pride in your…
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Not Such a Little Theft
The entry of the Israelites into the Promised Land is a fairly well-known…
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Always consider how your individual actions might affect other people.
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What’s With The Hat?
Hair Is A Woman's Crowning Glory Is there any question that a woman's hair…
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Try to understand Jewish law to enhance peace among the Jewish people.
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Touching the Equation
Imagine having a passion for mathematics but lacking the language to…
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Based in Burma
Today’s Jewish Treat presents the unexpected Jewish history of Myanmar…
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Community Connects
Build connections between the different elements of your local Jewish…
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A Look At The Law
There are three types of laws in the Torah...mishpatim,…
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Mitzvah Types
As you perform a mitzvah, think about which category or categories the…
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More Than A Book Seller
Sholem Yankev Abramovitsh, born on January 2, 1836, to a poor family near…
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Basic Education
Even if you do not have kids in the system, help support your local Jewish…
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Should Old Acquaintances Be Forgot?
“Should old acquaintance be forgot, and never brought to mind?” This…
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A Tale from Texas
In 1968, the State of Texas decided to honor the deeds of Jacob Raphael De…
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A Sense of Guilt
At the end of the Book of Genesis, when Jacob passes away, his twelve sons…
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The Tenth of Tevet
And it was in the ninth year of [King Zaddekiah’s] reign, in the tenth…
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Painting Our People
Born on December 26, 1902, in Rahachow, Belarus (in the Pale of…
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The Board of Deputies
The contemporary Jewish community of England began to form in the late 17th…
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