Don’t Hate Those with Whom You Disagree
How can one hate for no reason? It must mean hating another for their…
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The Girl in the Red Coat
Aside from the opening and closing scenes in Stephen Spielberg’s 1993…
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The Tragic Story of Bar Kamtza
According to Jewish tradition, God allowed the Second Temple to be…
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Stand Up
When an injustice takes place in one’s presence, one ought to stand up and…
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The Saddest Day
When ten of the twelve scouts who were dispatched by Moses to survey the…
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Elegies (Kinnot)
An elegy is defined as a mournful poem or a lament. In Hebrew, an elegy is…
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Prepare for Tisha B’Av
There is great benefit to studying and preparing for the Tisha b’Av kinnot,…
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Reunited and It Feels So Good!
Have you missed the unity with our Israeli brothers and sisters these past…
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Unite with Israel
One way to show unity with Israel is to keep a clock in your home on Israel…
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The Month of Av
The months of the Jewish year are called in the Torah by number only (the…
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Imagine God as a Parent
Parents dispatch discipline with unconditional love. If we treat each other…
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The Ba’al Ha’turim
Spain in the Middle Ages was home to scholars of great renown such as…
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Visit Your Local Jewish Bookstore
Amassing a Jewish library will enable you, and those close to you, to…
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In God We Trust
The First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution famously begins: “Congress…
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Re-commit to Trusting in God
If the change in our pockets invokes faith in the Almighty, it behooves us…
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The Antidote For Baseless Hatred
The calendrical period between the Fast of the 17th of Tammuz and the Fast…
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Work on Interpersonal Relationships
While it is always worthwhile to work on, and try to improve, our…
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Ordaining with Both Hands
Semicha, which connotes rabbinic ordination, as understood today, consists…
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Identify a Rabbi’s Teachers
In order to appreciate a rabbi’s teachings, one should identify who their…
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The Jews of Wyoming
While Wyoming is not a state known for its sizable Jewish community - there…
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Study the Jewish History of Wyoming
Before you travel to, or through, Wyoming, learn about its rich Jewish…
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A Singer whose Voice was a Pen
On November 21, 1902, a baby was born in Leoncin, Poland, who would…
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Honor Yiddish Culture
Reading about the Eastern European communities from where many of our…
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The Law of Return
On July 5th, 1950, corresponding to the 20th of Tammuz, the Israeli Knesset…
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Appreciate Israel
For a people who had wandered stateless for so long, the establishment of…
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Of Shamrocks, Snails and Survivors: the life of Rabbi Isaac Herzog
Rabbi Isaac Herzog, the State of Israel’s first Ashkenazic Chief Rabbi,…
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Learn About Israel’s Leaders
Learning about those who lived during pivotal and crucial times in history…
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The Fast of the 17th of Tammuz
Everyone knows about Yom Kippur. There are, however, several other fast…
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Honor the Day
The more knowledgeable one is regarding the history of the 17th of Tammuz,…
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The Three Weeks
“When Av enters, we must lessen our rejoicing,” declare the Talmudic sages…
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