Prayers in Song
Don't hesitate to pray with song if it helps you to connect to the…
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A Crime of Stalin
In 1981, PEN International (an organization of poets, essayists and…
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The Value Of
It is easy to be judgmental. Some might say that being judgmental is a…
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A Late Acknowledged Hero
In honor of Veterans Day, Jewish Treats presents a brief biography of Tibor…
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The Clock Says
Don't forget that Shabbat begins an hour earlier this week!
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Name Change
It is not a coincidence that cultures around the world share a belief in…
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Names for Prayers
If someone you know is ill, ask them for their Hebrew name (and their…
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The Fall of the Wall
Today, November 9, is marked on some calendars as World Freedom Day in…
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Bridge Building
Make an effort to do something nice for a person with whom you disagree.
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Barry Commoner for President
In 1980, Barry Commoner, a prominent biologist, environmentalist and author…
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All People`
Remember to always respect your fellow people (even if their political…
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Proverbial Path
In the Book of Proverbs it is written: “A person’s heart devises his way,…
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An Hour’s Focus
For one hour of the day, specifically try to think of how your actions can…
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Barbie’s Jewish Mother
One might easily wonder what Ruth Handler's reaction would have been to the…
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Appreciation Course
Take a moment during the Shabbat meal tonight to express appreciation for…
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A Bit About Fiddler
On November 3, 1971, the film version of Fiddler on the Roof was released…
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Let’s Talk About
View Fiddler on the Roof with a member of a younger generation and use it…
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From Deadwood to Rapid City
Images of the Wild West are filled with swinging saloon doors, dusty main…
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The Seven Mitzvot
Jewish law places great emphasis on the way a Jew must live and the rewards…
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Modern Ways
Think about how modern values do or do not conform to these Seven Mitzvot.
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A Candy Treat
While most people would not be surprised at the Jewish back-story of…
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For Candy Lovers
Candy that is kosher in one country may not be kosher in another, so make…
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A Document Against Anti-Semitism
Fifty-two years ago on this day, October 28th, the Catholic Church…
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Portion Number One
Begin following the weekly Torah portion as we begin the cycle of Torah…
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Here Kitty, Kitty
While today, the two most common types of house pets are cats and dogs, the…
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Forward Relationship
Bring the focus of our relationship with the Divine from the holidays that…
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