Kosher Supervisory Agencies
To help the growing numbers of kosher consumers, kosher supervisory…
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Midwestern Sour Cream
There are a host of Jewish foods that are associated with the American…
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Support for Local Jewish Institutions
Get to know the Jewish institutions in your community and see how you can…
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Midwestern Sour Cream
There are a host of Jewish foods that are associated with the American…
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Support for Local Jewish Institutions
Get to know the Jewish institutions in your community and see how you can…
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Celebrating Bar Ilan University
Would you believe that the founding of Israel’s second largest university…
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Support for Local Jewish Institutions
Get to know the Jewish institutions in your community and see how you can…
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Celebrating Bar Ilan University
Would you believe that the founding of Israel’s second largest university…
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Support for Local Jewish Institutions
Get to know the Jewish institutions in your community and see how you can…
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The Jews Of Jamaica
As in many countries of the New World, the Jewish history of Jamaica begins…
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Making An Impact
Study the history of Jews who have settled in a particular country to…
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The Jews Of Jamaica
As in many countries of the New World, the Jewish history of Jamaica begins…
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Making An Impact
Study the history of Jews who have settled in a particular country to…
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No Holiday as Joyous
Tu b’Av (The Fifteenth of Av) is no longer the well-known holiday on the…
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A Cause for Celebration
After the difficult Three Weeks, celebrate an especially joyous day today.
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Belarus, China, Jerusalem and Brooklyn: The Odyssey of the World’s Largest Yeshiva
For 125 years, from 1814 until 1939, the Mir Yeshiva served as a beacon of…
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Survival and Growth of Torah Study
Appreciate the miraculous survival of the Mir Yeshiva during World War II…
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For a high school drop-out who failed English three times, Leon Uris had an…
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Read and Understand
Read about some of the most dramatic events in modern Jewish history to…
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Shabbat Nachamu
The Shabbat following the fast of Tisha b’Av (the ninth of the Hebrew month…
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Finding Reassurance and Comfort
Take heart from the words "Nachamu, nachamu ami," found in this week's…
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The Girl in the Red Coat
Except for one girl's red coat depicted in a scene taking place in the…
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Contemplating Tragedy
Read the kinnot and contemplate why so many terrible calamities have been…
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Tisha b’Av
Tonight, at sunset, the saddest day on the Jewish calendar begins. Known as…
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The Saddest Day
Given the numerous tragedies that have befallen the Jewish people…
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A Woman In Charge: Bessie Gotsfeld
Mizrachi Women's Organization of America (MWOA, known today as AMIT -…
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For Religious Education
Acknowledge the good work of AMIT, which runs over 100 schools and programs…
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Terror at the Olympics
On July 27, 1996, the world was startled when a pipe bomb exploded in…
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Recognize Evil
Unfortunately we have to recognize terror for what it is; pure evil.
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The Words Are The Things
In Hebrew, the Book of Deuteronomy is known as Sefer Devarim. Its name is…
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